VERIS action.hacking Capability Group

All Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1001 Data Obfuscation
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1001 Data Obfuscation
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1001.001 Data Obfuscation: Junk Data
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1001.001 Data Obfuscation: Junk Data
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1001.002 Data Obfuscation: Steganography
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1001.002 Data Obfuscation: Steganography
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1001.003 Data Obfuscation: Protocol Impersonation
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1001.003 Data Obfuscation: Protocol Impersonation
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1007 System Service Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1008 Fallback Channels
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1008 Fallback Channels
action.hacking.variety.XPath injection XPath injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1010 Application Window Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1012 Query Registry
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1014 Rootkit
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1018 Remote System Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021 Remote Services
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.001 Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol
action.hacking.vector.Desktop sharing software Superset of 'Desktop sharing' and '3rd party desktop'. Please use in place of the other two related-to T1021.001 Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.002 Remote Services: SMB/Windows Admin Shares
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1021.002 Remote Services: SMB/Windows Admin Shares
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.003 Remote Services: Distributed Component Object Model
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1021.003 Remote Services: Distributed Component Object Model
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.004 Remote Services: SSH
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1021.004 Remote Services: SSH
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.005 Remote Services: VNC
action.hacking.vector.Desktop sharing software Superset of 'Desktop sharing' and '3rd party desktop'. Please use in place of the other two related-to T1021.005 Remote Services: VNC
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.006 Remote Services: Windows Remote Management
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1021.006 Remote Services: Windows Remote Management
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.007 Cloud Services
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1021.008 Direct Cloud VM Connections
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1021.008 Direct Cloud VM Connections
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027 Obfuscated Files or Information
action.hacking.variety.Null byte injection Null byte injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1027 Obfuscated Files or Information
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.001 Obfuscated Files or Information: Binary Padding
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.003 Obfuscated Files or Information: Steganography
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.010 Command Obfuscation
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1027.010 Command Obfuscation
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1027.011 Fileless Storage
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.011 Fileless Storage
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1027.012 LNK Icon Smuggling
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.012 LNK Icon Smuggling
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1027.013 Encrypted/Encoded File
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.013 Encrypted/Encoded File
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.014 Polymorphic Code
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1033 System Owner/User Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1036 Masquerading
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1037 Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1037 Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1040 Network Sniffing
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1046 Network Service Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1047 Windows Management Instrumentation
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1047 Windows Management Instrumentation
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1049 System Network Connections Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1053 Scheduled Task/Job
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1053 Scheduled Task/Job
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1053 Scheduled Task/Job
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1053.002 Scheduled Task/Job: At
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1053.003 Scheduled Task/Job: Cron
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1053.005 Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1053.006 Scheduled Task/Job: Systemd Timers
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1053.007 Scheduled Task/Job: Container Orchestration Job
action.hacking.vector.Web application Web application related-to T1056.003 Input Capture: Web Portal Capture
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1057 Process Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.001 Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.001 Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.002 Command and Scripting Interpreter: AppleScript
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059.002 Command and Scripting Interpreter: AppleScript
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.002 Command and Scripting Interpreter: AppleScript
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059.003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.003 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.004 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059.004 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.004 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Unix Shell
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.005 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual Basic
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.005 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Visual Basic
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.006 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Python
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.006 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Python
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.007 Command and Scripting Interpreter: JavaScript
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.007 Command and Scripting Interpreter: JavaScript
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.008 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Network Device CLI
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.008 Command and Scripting Interpreter: Network Device CLI
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.009 Cloud API
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059.009 Cloud API
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.009 Cloud API
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.010 AutoHotKey & AutoIT
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059.010 AutoHotKey & AutoIT
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.010 AutoHotKey & AutoIT
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.011 Lua
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059.011 Lua
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.011 Lua
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
action.hacking.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other hacking enumerations, (such as XSS when an XSS vuln exists.). Parent of many hacking varieties. related-to T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
action.hacking.variety.Format string attack Format string attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
action.hacking.variety.Fuzz testing Fuzz testing. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
action.hacking.variety.Insecure deserialization iterating over sequential or obvious values. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
action.hacking.variety.Integer overflows Integer overflows. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
action.hacking.variety.LDAP injection LDAP injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1068 Exploitation for Privilege Escalation
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1069 Permission Groups Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1069.001 Permission Groups Discovery: Local Groups
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1071 Application Layer Protocol
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1071 Application Layer Protocol
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1071 Application Layer Protocol
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1071.001 Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1071.002 Application Layer Protocol: File Transfer Protocol
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1071.003 Application Layer Protocol: Mail Protocols
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1071.004 Application Layer Protocol: DNS
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1072 Software Deployment Tools
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1078 Valid Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1078 Valid Accounts
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1078 Valid Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1078.001 Valid Accounts: Default Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1078.002 Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1078.003 Valid Accounts: Local Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1078.004 Valid Accounts: Cloud Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1082 System Information Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1083 File and Directory Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1087 Account Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1087.001 Account Discovery: Local Account
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1090 Proxy
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1090 Proxy
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1095 Non-Application Layer Protocol
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1098 Account Manipulation
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1098 Account Manipulation
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1098.006 Additional Container Cluster Roles
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1102 Web Service
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1102 Web Service
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1104 Multi-Stage Channels
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1104 Multi-Stage Channels
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1106 Native API
action.hacking.variety.Brute force Brute force or password guessing attacks. related-to T1110 Brute Force
action.hacking.variety.Brute force Brute force or password guessing attacks. related-to T1110.001 Brute Force: Password Guessing
action.hacking.variety.Brute force Brute force or password guessing attacks. related-to T1110.002 Brute Force: Password Cracking
action.hacking.variety.Offline cracking Offline password or key cracking (e.g., rainbow tables, Hashcat, JtR) related-to T1110.002 Brute Force: Password Cracking
action.hacking.variety.Brute force Brute force or password guessing attacks. related-to T1110.003 Brute Force: Password Spraying
action.hacking.variety.Brute force Brute force or password guessing attacks. related-to T1110.004 Brute Force: Credential Stuffing
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' related-to T1111 Two-Factor Authentication Interception
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1111 Two-Factor Authentication Interception
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1112 Modify Registry
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1119 Automated Collection
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1119 Automated Collection
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1120 Peripheral Device Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1124 System Time Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1127 Trusted Developer Utilities Proxy Execution
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1127 Trusted Developer Utilities Proxy Execution
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1127.001 Tursted Developer Utilities Proxy Execution: MSBuild
action.hacking.variety.Other Other related-to T1127.001 Tursted Developer Utilities Proxy Execution: MSBuild
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1127.002 ClickOnce
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1127.002 ClickOnce
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1129 Shared Modules
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1132 Data Encoding
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1132.001 Data Encoding: Standard Encoding
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1132.002 Data Encoding: Non-Standard Encoding
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1133 External Remote Services
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1133 External Remote Services
action.hacking.vector.3rd party desktop 3rd party online desktop sharing (LogMeIn, Go2Assist) related-to T1133 External Remote Services
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1133 External Remote Services
action.hacking.vector.Desktop sharing software Superset of 'Desktop sharing' and '3rd party desktop'. Please use in place of the other two related-to T1133 External Remote Services
action.hacking.vector.VPN VPN related-to T1133 External Remote Services
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1134 Access Token Manipulation
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1134.001 Access Token Manipulation: Token Impersonation/Theft
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1134.002 Access Token Manipulation: Create Process with Token
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1134.003 Access Token Manipulation: Make and Impersonate Token
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1134.004 Access Token Manipulation: Parent PID Spoofing
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1134.005 Access Token Manipulation: SID-History Injection
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1135 Network Share Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1136 Create Accounts
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1136 Create Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1137 Office Application Startup
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1137.001 Office Application Startup: Office Template Macros
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1137.002 Office Application Startup: Office Test
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1137.003 Office Application Startup: Outlook Forms
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1137.004 Office Application Startup: Outlook Home Page
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1137.005 Office Application Startup: Outlook Rules
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' related-to T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.HTTP request smuggling HTTP request smuggling. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.HTTP request splitting HTTP request splitting. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.HTTP response smuggling HTTP response smuggling. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.HTTP response splitting HTTP response splitting. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Session fixation Session fixation. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1185 Browser Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1187 Forced Authentication
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' related-to T1187 Forced Authentication
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1190 Exploit Public-Facing Application
action.hacking.variety.SQLi SQL injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1190 Exploit Public-Facing Application
action.hacking.vector.Partner Partner connection or credential. (Indicates supply chain breach.) related-to T1195 Supply Chain Compromise
action.hacking.vector.Partner Partner connection or credential. (Indicates supply chain breach.) related-to T1195.001 Supply Chain Compromise: Compromise Software Dependencies and Development Tools
action.hacking.vector.Partner Partner connection or credential. (Indicates supply chain breach.) related-to T1195.002 Supply Chain Compromise: Compromise Software Supply Chain
action.hacking.vector.Partner Partner connection or credential. (Indicates supply chain breach.) related-to T1195.003 Supply Chain Compromise: Compromise Hardware Supply Chain
action.hacking.vector.Partner Partner connection or credential. (Indicates supply chain breach.) related-to T1199 Trusted Relationship
action.hacking.vector.Physical access Physical access or connection (i.e., at keyboard or via cable) related-to T1200 Hardware Additions
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1201 Password Policy Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1202 Indirect Command Execution
action.hacking.variety.Buffer overflow Buffer overflow. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1203 Exploitation for Client Execution
action.hacking.variety.HTTP request smuggling HTTP request smuggling. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1203 Exploitation for Client Execution
action.hacking.variety.HTTP request splitting HTTP request splitting. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1203 Exploitation for Client Execution
action.hacking.variety.HTTP response smuggling HTTP response smuggling. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1203 Exploitation for Client Execution
action.hacking.variety.HTTP response splitting HTTP response splitting. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1203 Exploitation for Client Execution
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1205 Traffic Signaling
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1205.001 Traffic Signaling: Port Knocking
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1205.002 Traffic Signaling: Socket Filters
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1211 Exploitation for Defense Evasion
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1212 Exploitation for Credential Access
action.hacking.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other hacking enumerations, (such as XSS when an XSS vuln exists.). Parent of many hacking varieties. related-to T1212 Exploitation for Credential Access
action.hacking.variety.Session fixation Session fixation. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1212 Exploitation for Credential Access
action.hacking.variety.XML external entities XML external entities. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1213 Data from Information Repository
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1216 System Script Proxy Execution
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1216.001 System Script Proxy Execution: PubPrn
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1216.002 System Script Proxy Execution: SyncAppvPublishingServer
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218 System Binary Proxy Execution
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.001 System Binary Proxy Execution: Compiled HTML File
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.002 System Binary Proxy Execution: Control Panel
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.003 System Binary Proxy Execution: CMSTP
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.004 System Binary Proxy Execution: InstallUtil
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.005 System Binary Proxy Execution: Mshta
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.007 System Binary Proxy Execution: Msiexec
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.008 System Binary Proxy Execution: Odbcconf
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.009 System Binary Proxy Execution: Regsvcs/Regasm
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.010 System Binary Proxy Execution: Regsvr32
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.011 System Binary Proxy Execution: Rundll32
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.012 System Binary Proxy Execution: Verclsid
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.013 System Binary Proxy Execution: Mavinject
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.014 System Binary Proxy Execution: MMC
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1218.015 System Binary Proxy Execution: Electron Applications
action.hacking.vector.Desktop sharing software Superset of 'Desktop sharing' and '3rd party desktop'. Please use in place of the other two related-to T1219 Remote Access Software
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1220 XSL Script Processing
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1480 Execution Guardrails
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1480 Execution Guardrails
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1480.001 Execution Guardrails: Environmental Keying
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1480.001 Execution Guardrails: Environmental Keying
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1480.002 Execution Guardrails: Mutual Exclusion
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1489 Service Stop
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1496 Resource Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1496.001 Resource Hijacking: Compute Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1496.002 Resource Hijacking: Bandwidth Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1496.003 Resource Hijacking: SMS Pumping
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1496.004 Resource Hijacking: Cloud Service Hijacking
action.hacking.vector.Hypervisor Hypervisor break-out attack related-to T1497 Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
action.hacking.vector.Inter-tenant Penetration of another VM or web site on shared device or infrastructure related-to T1497 Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1498 Network Denial of Service
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1498.001 Network Denial of Service: Direct Network Flood
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1498.002 Network Denial of Service: Reflection Amplification
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1499 Endpoint Denial of Service
action.hacking.variety.Soap array abuse Soap array abuse. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1499 Endpoint Denial of Service
action.hacking.variety.XML external entities XML external entities. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1499 Endpoint Denial of Service
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1499.001 Endpoint Denial of Service: OS Exhaustion Flood
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1499.002 Endpoint Denial of Service: Service Exhaustion Flood
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1499.003 Endpoint Denial of Service: Application Exhaustion Flood
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1499.004 Endpoint Denial of Service: Application or System Exploitation
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1505.001 Server Software Component: SQL Stored Procedures
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1505.002 Server Software Component: Transport Agent
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1518 Software Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1518.001 Software Discovery: Security Software Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1525 Implant Internal Image
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1525 Implant Internal Image
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1526 Cloud Service Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1529 System Shutdown/Reboot
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1531 Account Access Removal
action.hacking.variety.Forced browsing Forced browsing or predictable resource location. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1539 Steal Web Session Cookie
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' related-to T1539 Steal Web Session Cookie
action.hacking.variety.Session replay Session replay. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1539 Steal Web Session Cookie
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1543 Create or Modify System Process
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1543 Create or Modify System Process
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1543 Create or Modify System Process
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1543.001 Create or Modify System Process: Launch Agent
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1543.002 Create or Modify System Process: Systemd Service
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1543.003 Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1543.004 Create or Modify System Process: Launch Daemon
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1543.005 Create or Modify System Process: Container Service
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1546 Event Triggered Execution
action.hacking.variety.XML injection XML injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1546 Event Triggered Execution
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1546 Event Triggered Execution
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1547 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1547 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1547 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.001 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Setuid and Setgid
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.002 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1548.002 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Bypass User Account Control
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.003 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Sudo and Sudo Caching
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1548.003 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Sudo and Sudo Caching
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.004 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Elevated Execution with Prompt
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1548.004 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Elevated Execution with Prompt
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.005 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Temporary Elevated Cloud Access
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.006 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: TCC Manipulation
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1550 Use Alternate Authentication Material
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1550.001 Use Alternate Authentication Material: Application Access Token
action.hacking.variety.Pass-the-hash Pass-the-hash related-to T1550.002 Use Alternate Authentication Material: Pass the Hash
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1550.002 Use Alternate Authentication Material: Pass the Hash
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1550.003 Use Alternate Authentication Material: Pass the Ticket
action.hacking.variety.Session replay Session replay. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1550.004 Use Alternate Authentication Material:Web Session Cookie
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1550.004 Use Alternate Authentication Material:Web Session Cookie
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1553 Subvert Trust Controls
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1554 Compromise Client Software Binary
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1554 Compromise Client Software Binary
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. related-to T1556 Modify Authentication Process
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. related-to T1556 Modify Authentication Process
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' related-to T1557 Man-in-the-Middle
action.hacking.variety.Routing detour Routing detour. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1557 Man-in-the-Middle
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' related-to T1557.001 Man-in-the-Middle: LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning and Relay
action.hacking.variety.Cache poisoning Cache poisoning. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1557.002 Adversary-in-the-Middle: ARP Cache Poisoning
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' related-to T1557.002 Adversary-in-the-Middle: ARP Cache Poisoning
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1558.001 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: Golden Ticket
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1558.002 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: Silver Ticket
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1558.003 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: Kerberoasting
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1558.004 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: AS-REP Roasting
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1558.004 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: AS-REP Roasting
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1558.005 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: Ccache Files
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1559 Inter-Process Communication
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1559.001 Inter-Process Communication: Component Object Model
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1559.002 Inter-Process Communication: Dynamic Data Exchange
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562 Impair Defenses
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1562 Impair Defenses
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.001 Disable or Modify Tools
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.002 Disable Windows Event Logging
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.003 Impair Command History Logging
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.004 Disable or Modify System Firewall
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.007 Disable or Modify Cloud Firewall
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.012 Disable or Modify Linux Audit System
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1563 Remote Service Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1563 Remote Service Session Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1563.001 Remote Service Session Hijacking: SSH Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1563.001 Remote Service Session Hijacking: SSH Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1563.002 Remote Service Session Hijacking: RDP Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1563.002 Remote Service Session Hijacking: RDP Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564 Hide Artifacts
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564 Hide Artifacts
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.001 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and Directories
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.001 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and Directories
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.002 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Users
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.002 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Users
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.003 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Window
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.003 Hide Artifacts: Hidden Window
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.004 Hide Artifacts: NTFS File Attributes
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.004 Hide Artifacts: NTFS File Attributes
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.005 Hide Artifacts: Hidden File System
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.005 Hide Artifacts: Hidden File System
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.006 Hide Artifacts: Run Virtual Instance
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.006 Hide Artifacts: Run Virtual Instance
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.007 Hide Artifacts: VBA Stomping
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.007 Hide Artifacts: VBA Stomping
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1568 Dynamic Resolution
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1568 Dynamic Resolution
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1568.001 Dynamic Resolution: Fast Flux DSN
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1568.002 Dynamic Resolution: Domain Generation Algorithms
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1568.003 Dynamic Resolution: DNS Calculation
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1569 System Services
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1569.001 System Services: Launchctl
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1569.002 System Services: Service Execution
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1571 Non-Standard Port
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1572 Protocol Tunneling
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1572 Protocol Tunneling
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1573 Encrypted Channels
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. related-to T1573 Encrypted Channels
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1573.001 Encrypted Channels: Symmetric Cryptography
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1573.002 Encrypted Channels: Asymmetric Cryptography
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1574 Hijack Execution Flow
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1574 Hijack Execution Flow
action.hacking.variety.XML injection XML injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1574 Hijack Execution Flow
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1574.001 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Search Order Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other hacking enumerations, (such as XSS when an XSS vuln exists.). Parent of many hacking varieties. related-to T1574.001 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Search Order Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1574.001 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Search Order Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1574.001 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Search Order Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1574.002 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading
action.hacking.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other hacking enumerations, (such as XSS when an XSS vuln exists.). Parent of many hacking varieties. related-to T1574.002 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1574.002 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1574.002 Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-Loading
action.hacking.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other hacking enumerations, (such as XSS when an XSS vuln exists.). Parent of many hacking varieties. related-to T1574.004 Hijack Execution Flow: Dylib Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1574.004 Hijack Execution Flow: Dylib Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1574.004 Hijack Execution Flow: Dylib Hijacking
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1574.005 Hijack Execution Flow: Executable Installer File Permissions Weakness
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1574.005 Hijack Execution Flow: Executable Installer File Permissions Weakness
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1574.005 Hijack Execution Flow: Executable Installer File Permissions Weakness
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1574.010 Hijack Execution Flow: Services File Permissions Weakness
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) related-to T1574.011 Hijack Execution Flow: Services Registry Permissions Weakness
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1578 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure
action.hacking.vector.Hypervisor Hypervisor break-out attack related-to T1578 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure
action.hacking.vector.Inter-tenant Penetration of another VM or web site on shared device or infrastructure related-to T1578 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1578.001 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure: Create Snapshot
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1578.002 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure: Create Cloud Instance
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1578.003 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure: Delete Cloud Instance
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1578.004 Modify Cloud Compute Infrastructure: Revert Cloud Instance
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1578.005 Modify Cloud Compute Configurations
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1580 Cloud Infrastructure Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583 Acquire Infrastructure
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583.001 Acquire Infrastructure: Domains
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583.002 Acquire Infrastructure: DNS Server
action.hacking.variety.Forced browsing Forced browsing or predictable resource location. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1583.003 Acquire Infrastructure: Virtual Private Server
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583.003 Acquire Infrastructure: Virtual Private Server
action.hacking.variety.Forced browsing Forced browsing or predictable resource location. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1583.004 Acquire Infrastructure: Server
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583.004 Acquire Infrastructure: Server
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1583.005 Acquire Infrastructure: Botnet
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583.005 Acquire Infrastructure: Botnet
action.hacking.variety.Forced browsing Forced browsing or predictable resource location. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1583.006 Acquire Infrastructure: Web Services
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583.006 Acquire Infrastructure: Web Services
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1584 Compromise Infrastructure
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1584.001 Compromise Infrastructure: Domains
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1584.002 Compromise Infrastructure: DNS Server
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1584.003 Compromise Infrastructure: Virtual Private Server
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1584.004 Compromise Infrastructure: Server
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service related-to T1584.005 Compromise Infrastructure: Botnet
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1584.005 Compromise Infrastructure: Botnet
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1584.006 Compromise Infrastructure: Web Services
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1586 Compromise Account
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1586.001 Compromise Account: Social Media Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1586.002 Compromise Account: Email Accounts
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1587 Develop Capabilities
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1587.001 Develop Capabilities: Malware
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1587.002 Develop Capabilities: Code Signing Certificates
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1587.003 Develop Capabilities: Digital Certificates
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1587.004 Develop Capabilities: Exploits
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588 Obtain Capabilities
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588.001 Obtain Capabilities: Malware
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588.002 Obtain Capabilities: Tool
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588.003 Obtain Capabilities: Code Signing Certificates
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588.004 Obtain Capabilities: Digital Certificates
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588.005 Obtain Capabilities: Exploits
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588.006 Obtain Capabilities: Vulnerabilities
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1588.007 Artificial Intelligence
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1589 Gather Victim Identity Information
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1589.001 Gather Victim Identity Information: Credentials
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1589.002 Gather Victim Identity Information: Email Addresses
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1589.003 Gather Victim Identity Information: Employee Names
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1590 Gather Victim Network Information
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1590.001 Gather Victim Network Information: Domain Properties
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1590.002 Gather Victim Network Information: DNS
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1590.003 Gather Victim Network Information: Network Trust Dependencies
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1590.004 Gather Victim Network Information: Network Topology
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1590.005 Gather Victim Network Information: IP Addresses
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1590.006 Gather Victim Network Information: Network Security Appliances
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1592 Gather Victim Host Information
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1592.001 Gather Victim Host Information: Hardware
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1592.002 Gather Victim Host Information: Software
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1592.003 Gather Victim Host Information: Firmware
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1592.004 Gather Victim Host Information: Client Configurations
action.hacking.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other hacking enumerations, (such as XSS when an XSS vuln exists.). Parent of many hacking varieties. related-to T1595.002 Active Scanning: Vulnerability Scanning
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1599 Network Boundry Bridging
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1599.001 Network Boundry Bridging: Network Address Translation Traversal
action.hacking.variety.Cryptanalysis Cryptanalysis. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1600 Weaken Encryption
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1602 Data from Configuration Repository
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1602.001 Data from Configuration Repository: SNMP (MIB Dump)
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1602.002 Data from Configuration Repository: Network Device Configuration Dump
action.hacking.variety.Session prediction Credential or session prediction. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1606 Forge Web Credentials
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1606 Forge Web Credentials
action.hacking.variety.Session prediction Credential or session prediction. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1606.001 Forge Web Credentials: Web Cookies
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1606.001 Forge Web Credentials: Web Cookies
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1606.002 Forge Web Credentials: SAML Tokens
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1609 Container Administration Command
action.hacking.variety.Virtual machine escape Virtual machine escape. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1611 Escape to Host
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network related-to T1613 Container and Resource Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1614 System Location Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1614.001 System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1622 Debugger Evasion
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1543.005 Create or Modify System Process: Container Service
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.005 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: Temporary Elevated Cloud Access
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1548.006 Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism: TCC Manipulation
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.011 Ignore Process Interrupts
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1564.012 File/Path Exclusions
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1564.012 File/Path Exclusions
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1651 Cloud Administration Command
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1652 Device Driver Discovery
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1653 Power Settings
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host related-to T1654 Log Enumeration
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1665 Hide Infrastructure
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1666 Modify Cloud Resource Hierarchy
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.002 Obfuscated Files or Information: Software Packaging
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. related-to T1027.004 Obfuscated Files or Information: Compile After Dilevery
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) related-to T1558.005 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets: Ccache Files
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) related-to T1574.014 AppDomainManager
action.hacking.vector.Partner Partner connection or credential. (Indicates supply chain breach.) related-to T1584.008 Network Devices


Capability ID Capability Name Number of Mappings
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. 105
action.hacking.variety.AiTM Adversary-in-the-middle attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln' 7
action.hacking.variety.Insecure deserialization iterating over sequential or obvious values. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Soap array abuse Soap array abuse. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown 40
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor Hacking actions taken through a backdoor. C2 is only used by malware. 12
action.hacking.variety.XML injection XML injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.variety.Offline cracking Offline password or key cracking (e.g., rainbow tables, Hashcat, JtR) 1
action.hacking.variety.XML external entities XML external entities. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.vector.Hypervisor Hypervisor break-out attack 2
action.hacking.variety.Brute force Brute force or password guessing attacks. 5
action.hacking.vector.3rd party desktop 3rd party online desktop sharing (LogMeIn, Go2Assist) 1
action.hacking.variety.Hijack To assume control over and steal functionality for an illicit purpose (e.g. Hijacking phone number intercept SMS verification codes) 15
action.hacking.variety.Buffer overflow Buffer overflow. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other hacking enumerations, (such as XSS when an XSS vuln exists.). Parent of many hacking varieties. 6
action.hacking.variety.Session fixation Session fixation. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.variety.Null byte injection Null byte injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.XPath injection XPath injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Cryptanalysis Cryptanalysis. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Session prediction Credential or session prediction. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.variety.HTTP response splitting HTTP response splitting. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell 19
action.hacking.variety.Scan network Enumerating the state of the network 30
action.hacking.variety.Backdoor Hacking action that creates a backdoor for use. 14
action.hacking.variety.Exploit misconfig Exploit a misconfiguration (vs vuln or weakness) 12
action.hacking.variety.Cache poisoning Cache poisoning. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Routing detour Routing detour. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.LDAP injection LDAP injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.HTTP request smuggling HTTP request smuggling. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.variety.SQLi SQL injection. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Forced browsing Forced browsing or predictable resource location. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 4
action.hacking.variety.Integer overflows Integer overflows. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls 10
action.hacking.vector.Inter-tenant Penetration of another VM or web site on shared device or infrastructure 2
action.hacking.variety.Pass-the-hash Pass-the-hash 1
action.hacking.vector.Desktop sharing software Superset of 'Desktop sharing' and '3rd party desktop'. Please use in place of the other two 4
action.hacking.vector.Other network service Network service that is not remote access or a web application. 11
action.hacking.variety.Fuzz testing Fuzz testing. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.HTTP response smuggling HTTP response smuggling. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.vector.VPN VPN 1
action.hacking.variety.Session replay Session replay. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.vector.Physical access Physical access or connection (i.e., at keyboard or via cable) 1
action.hacking.vector.Web application Web application 1
action.hacking.variety.Evade Defenses Modification of the action (rather than the system, as in 'Disable controls') to avoid detection. 51
action.hacking.variety.Use of stolen creds Use of stolen or default authentication credentials (including credential stuffing) 36
action.hacking.vector.Partner Partner connection or credential. (Indicates supply chain breach.) 6
action.hacking.variety.Profile host Enumerating the state of the current host 23
action.hacking.variety.Format string attack Format string attack. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Virtual machine escape Virtual machine escape. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 1
action.hacking.variety.Other Other 11
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 8
action.hacking.variety.HTTP request splitting HTTP request splitting. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. 2
action.hacking.variety.DoS Denial of service 10