T1562.008 Disable or Modify Cloud Logs Mappings

An adversary may disable or modify cloud logging capabilities and integrations to limit what data is collected on their activities and avoid detection. Cloud environments allow for collection and analysis of audit and application logs that provide insight into what activities a user does within the environment. If an adversary has sufficient permissions, they can disable or modify logging to avoid detection of their activities.

For example, in AWS an adversary may disable CloudWatch/CloudTrail integrations prior to conducting further malicious activity.(Citation: Following the CloudTrail: Generating strong AWS security signals with Sumo Logic) They may alternatively tamper with logging functionality – for example, by removing any associated SNS topics, disabling multi-region logging, or disabling settings that validate and/or encrypt log files.(Citation: AWS Update Trail)(Citation: Pacu Detection Disruption Module) In Office 365, an adversary may disable logging on mail collection activities for specific users by using the Set-MailboxAuditBypassAssociation cmdlet, by disabling M365 Advanced Auditing for the user, or by downgrading the user’s license from an Enterprise E5 to an Enterprise E3 license.(Citation: Dark Reading Microsoft 365 Attacks 2021)


VERIS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
action.hacking.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs
action.malware.variety.Disable controls Disable or interfere with security controls related-to T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs

AWS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
amazon_guardduty Amazon GuardDuty technique_scores T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs
The following GuardDuty findings provide indicators of malicious activity in defense measures: Stealth:IAMUser/CloudTrailLoggingDisabled Stealth:IAMUser/PasswordPolicyChange Stealth:S3/ServerAccessLoggingDisabled Impact:S3/MaliciousIPCaller Exfiltration:S3/MaliciousIPCaller Exfiltration:S3/ObjectRead.Unusual PenTest:S3/KaliLinux PenTest:S3/ParrotLinux PenTest:S3/PentooLinux UnauthorizedAccess:S3/MaliciousIPCaller.Custom UnauthorizedAccess:S3/TorIPCaller "Amazon GuardDuty is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in GuardDuty."
aws_config AWS Config technique_scores T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs
The following AWS Config managed rules can identify potentially malicious changes to cloud logging: "api-gw-execution-logging-enabled", "cloudfront-accesslogs-enabled", "elasticsearch-logs-to-cloudwatch", "elb-logging-enabled", "redshift-cluster-configuration-check", "rds-logging-enabled", and "s3-bucket-logging-enabled" are run on configuration changes. "cloudtrail-security-trail-enabled", "cloud-trail-cloud-watch-logs-enabled", "cloudtrail-s3-dataevents-enabled", "vpc-flow-logs-enabled", "waf-classic-logging-enabled", and "wafv2-logging-enabled" are run periodically. Coverage factor is significant for these rules, since they cover logging configuration for a wide range of services, resulting in an overall score of Significant. "AWS Config is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in AWS Config. "
aws_iot_device_defender AWS IoT Device Defender technique_scores T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs
The "Logging disabled" audit check ("LOGGING_DISABLED_CHECK" in the CLI and API) can identify potentially malicious changes to AWS IoT logs (both V1 and V2), which should be enabled in Amazon CloudWatch. Score is limited to Partial since this control only addresses IoT logging.
aws_iot_device_defender AWS IoT Device Defender technique_scores T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs
The "ENABLE_IOT_LOGGING" mitigation action (which is supported by the "Logging disabled" audit check) enables AWS IoT logging if it is not enabled when the check is run, effectively reversing the adversary behavior if those logs were disabled due to malicious changes. Score is limited to Partial since this control only addresses IoT logging.
aws_security_hub AWS Security Hub technique_scores T1562.008 Disable Cloud Logs
AWS Security Hub performs checks from the AWS Foundations CIS Benchmark that, if implemented, would help towards detecting changes to key AWS services. AWS Security Hub provides these detections with the following checks. 3.5 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for CloudTrail configuration changes 3.9 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for AWS Config configuration changes 3.10 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for security group changes 3.11 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to Network Access Control Lists (NACL) 3.12 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for changes to network gateways 3.13 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for route table changes 3.14 Ensure a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes This is scored as Significant because it can detect when changes are made to key AWS services (e.g., CloudTrail, Config, etc.) such as when they stop logging or other configuration changes are made.