GCP identity_platform Mappings

Identity Platform is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform that helps organizations add identity and access management functionality to their applications, protect user accounts, and scale with confidence on Google Cloud.


Capability ID Capability Description Category Value ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
identity_platform Identity Platform protect partial T1078 Valid Accounts
Identity Platform lets you add Google-grade authentication to your apps and services, making it easier to secure user accounts and securely managing credentials. MFA can provide protection against an adversary that obtains valid credentials by requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication process before access is permitted.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect partial T1078.003 Local Accounts
Identity Platform lets you add Google-grade authentication to your apps and services, making it easier to secure user accounts and securely managing credentials. MFA can provide protection against an adversary that obtains valid credentials by requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication process before access is permitted.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect partial T1078.004 Cloud Accounts
Identity Platform lets you add Google-grade authentication to your apps and services, making it easier to secure user accounts and securely managing credentials. MFA can provide protection against an adversary that obtains valid credentials by requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication process before access is permitted.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect partial T1087 Account Discovery
Identity Platform is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform that helps organizations add identity and access management functionality to their applications, protect user accounts, and scale with confidence on Google Cloud. With this, permissions are limited to discover cloud accounts in accordance with least privilege and adversaries may be prevented from getting access to a listing of domain accounts.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect partial T1087.002 Domain Account
Identity Platform is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform that helps organizations add identity and access management functionality to their applications, protect user accounts, and scale with confidence on Google Cloud. With this, permissions are limited to discover cloud accounts in accordance with least privilege and adversaries may be prevented from getting access to a listing of domain accounts.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect partial T1087.004 Cloud Account
Identity Platform is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform that helps organizations add identity and access management functionality to their applications, protect user accounts, and scale with confidence on Google Cloud. With this, permissions are limited to discover cloud accounts in accordance with least privilege and adversaries may be prevented from getting access to a listing of cloud accounts.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1098 Account Manipulation
Identity Platform can help protect your app's users and prevent account takeovers by offering multi-factor authentication (MFA) and integrating with Google's intelligence for account protection. This will help mitigate adversaries from gaining access to permission levels.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1098.001 Additional Cloud Credentials
Identity Platform can help protect your app's users and prevent account takeovers by offering multi-factor authentication (MFA) and integrating with Google's intelligence for account protection. This will help mitigate adversaries from gaining access to permission levels.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1098.002 Additional Email Delegate Permissions
Identity Platform can help protect your app's users and prevent account takeovers by offering multi-factor authentication (MFA) and integrating with Google's intelligence for account protection. This will help mitigate adversaries from gaining access to permission levels.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1098.003 Additional Cloud Roles
Identity Platform can help protect your app's users and prevent account takeovers by offering multi-factor authentication (MFA) and integrating with Google's intelligence for account protection. This will help mitigate adversaries from gaining access to permission levels.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1098.004 SSH Authorized Keys
Identity Platform can help protect your app's users and prevent account takeovers by offering multi-factor authentication (MFA) and integrating with Google's intelligence for account protection. This will help mitigate adversaries from gaining access to permission levels via files.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1110 Brute Force
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods, such as SMS, can also be used to help protect user accounts from phishing attacks. MFA provides significant protection against password compromises, requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication method before their access is permitted.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1110.001 Password Guessing
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods, such as SMS, can also be used to help protect user accounts from phishing attacks. MFA provides significant protection against password compromises, requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication method before their access is permitted.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1110.002 Password Cracking
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods, such as SMS, can also be used to help protect user accounts from phishing attacks. MFA provides significant protection against password compromises, requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication method before their access is permitted.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1110.003 Password Spraying
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) methods, such as SMS, can also be used to help protect user accounts from phishing attacks. MFA provides significant protection against password compromises, requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication method before their access is permitted.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1136 Create Account
Identity Platform multi-tenancy uses tenants to create unique silos of users and configurations within a single Identity Platform project. It provides provides secure, easy-to-use authentication if you're building a service on Google Cloud, on your own backend or on another platform; thereby, helping to mitigate adversaries from gaining access to systems.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1136.001 Local Account
Identity Platform multi-tenancy uses tenants to create unique silos of users and configurations within a single Identity Platform project. It provides provides secure, easy-to-use authentication if you're building a service on Google Cloud, on your own backend or on another platform; thereby, helping to mitigate adversaries from gaining access to systems and accounts.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1136.002 Domain Account
Identity Platform multi-tenancy uses tenants to create unique silos of users and configurations within a single Identity Platform project. It provides provides secure, easy-to-use authentication if you're building a service on Google Cloud, on your own backend or on another platform; thereby, helping to mitigate adversaries from gaining access to systems.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect significant T1136.003 Cloud Account
Identity Platform multi-tenancy uses tenants to create unique silos of users and configurations within a single Identity Platform project. It provides provides secure, easy-to-use authentication if you're building a service on Google Cloud, on your own backend or on another platform; thereby, helping to mitigate adversaries from gaining access to systems.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect minimal T1528 Steal Application Access Token
Identity Platform integrates tightly with Google Cloud services, and it leverages industry standards like OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, so it can be easily integrated with your custom backend. This control may mitigate application access token theft if the application is configured to retrieve temporary security credentials using an IAM role.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect minimal T1550 Use Alternate Authentication Material
This control may mitigate application access token theft if the application is configured to retrieve temporary security credentials using an IAM role.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect minimal T1550.001 Application Access Token
This control may mitigate application access token theft if the application is configured to retrieve temporary security credentials using an IAM role.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect minimal T1556 Modify Authentication Process
Identity Platform lets you add Google-grade authentication to your apps and services, making it easier to secure user accounts and securely managing credentials. MFA can be used to restrict access to cloud resources and APIs and provide protection against an adversaries that try to access user credentials.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect minimal T1562 Impair Defenses
Identity Platform provides Admin APIs to manage users and authentication tokens. To prevent unwanted access to your users and tokens through these APIs, Identity Platform leverages IAM to manage permission to specific Identity Platform APIs. This control will ensure proper process and file permissions are in place to prevent adversaries from disabling or interfering with security/logging services.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect minimal T1562.008 Disable or Modify Cloud Logs
Identity Platform provides Admin APIs to manage users and authentication tokens. To prevent unwanted access to your users and tokens through these APIs, Identity Platform leverages IAM to manage permission to specific Identity Platform APIs. This control will ensure proper process and file permissions are in place to prevent adversaries from disabling or interfering with security/logging services.
identity_platform Identity Platform protect partial T1580 Cloud Infrastructure Discovery
Identity Platform is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform that helps organizations add identity and access management functionality to their applications, protect user accounts, and scale with confidence on Google Cloud. With this, permissions are limited to discover cloud accounts in accordance with least privilege.