GCP cloud_identity Mappings

Cloud Identity is an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) and enterprise mobility management (EMM) product. It offers the identity services and endpoint administration that are available in Google Workspace as a stand-alone product. As an end-user, Cloud Identity protects user access with multi-factor authentication. As an administrator, one can use Cloud Identity to manage users, apps, and devices from a central location—the Google Admin console.


Capability ID Capability Description Category Value ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect significant T1110 Brute Force
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect significant T1110.003 Password Spraying
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect partial T1078 Valid Accounts
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect partial T1078.004 Cloud Accounts
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect significant T1110.001 Password Guessing
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect significant T1110.002 Password Cracking
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect significant T1110.004 Credential Stuffing
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect partial T1078.002 Domain Accounts
cloud_identity Cloud Identity detect minimal T1021.004 SSH
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect partial T1213.003 Code Repositories
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect partial T1213 Data from Information Repositories
cloud_identity Cloud Identity protect minimal T1133 External Remote Services