Capability ID | Capability Description | Category | Value | ATT&CK ID | ATT&CK Name | Notes |
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | significant | T1580 | Cloud Infrastructure Discovery |
Resource Manager can easily modify your Cloud Identity and Access Management policies for your organization and folders, and the changes will apply across all the projects and resources. Create and manage IAM access control policies for your organization and projects. This control may prevent adversaries that try to discover resources by placing a limit on discovery of these resources with least privilege.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | detect | minimal | T1580 | Cloud Infrastructure Discovery |
GCP allows configuration of account policies to enable logging and IAM permissions and roles that may detect compromised user attempts to discover infrastructure and resources.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | partial | T1562 | Impair Defenses |
An adversary may disable cloud logging capabilities and integrations to limit what data is collected on their activities and avoid detection. GCP allows configuration of account policies to enable logging and IAM permissions and roles to determine your ability to access audit logs data in Google Cloud resources.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | partial | T1562.007 | Disable or Modify Cloud Firewall |
This control adopts the security principle of least privilege, which grants necessary access to user's resources when justified and needed. This control manages access control and ensures proper user permissions are in place to prevent adversaries that try to modify and/or disable firewall.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | detect | partial | T1562.007 | Disable or Modify Cloud Firewall |
An adversary may disable cloud logging capabilities and integrations to limit what data is collected on their activities and avoid detection. GCP allows configuration of account policies to enable logging and IAM permissions and roles to determine your ability to access audit logs data in Google Cloud resources.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | partial | T1562.008 | Disable Cloud Logs |
This control adopts the security principle of least privilege, which grants necessary access to user's resources when justified and needed. This control manages access control and ensures proper user permissions are in place to prevent adversaries that try to modify and/or disable cloud logging capabilities.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | detect | minimal | T1087 | Account Discovery |
Adversaries may attempt to get a listing of cloud accounts that are created and configured by an organization or admin. IAM audit logging in GCP can be used to determine roles and permissions, along with routinely checking user permissions to ensure only the expected users have the ability to list IAM identities or otherwise discover cloud accounts.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | minimal | T1087.004 | Cloud Account |
This control may mitigate adversaries that attempt to get a listing of cloud accounts, such as use of calls to cloud APIs that perform account discovery.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | detect | minimal | T1087.004 | Cloud Account |
Adversaries may attempt to get a listing of cloud accounts that are created and configured by an organization or admin. IAM audit logging in GCP can be used to determine roles and permissions, along with routinely checking user permissions to ensure only the expected users have the ability to list IAM identities or otherwise discover cloud accounts.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | partial | T1613 | Container and Resource Discovery |
Google Cloud Platform provides resource containers such as organizations, folders, and projects that allow one to group and hierarchically organize other GCP resources. This control may mitigate by denying direct remote access to internal systems through the use of network proxies, gateways, and firewalls from adversaries that may attempt to discover containers and other resources that are available within a containers environment.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | minimal | T1552.007 | Container API |
To control access to resources, GCP requires that accounts making API requests have appropriate IAM roles. IAM roles include permissions that allow users to perform specific actions on Google Cloud resources. This control may mitigate adversaries that gather credentials via APIs within a containers environment. Since this covers only one of the sub-techniques, it is given a Minimal scoring.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | minimal | T1098 | Account Manipulation |
GCP offers Identity and Access Management (IAM), which lets admins give more granular access to specific Google Cloud resources and prevents unwanted access to other resources. This allows configuration of access controls and firewalls to limit access to critical systems and domain controllers.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | minimal | T1098.001 | Additional Cloud Credentials |
GCP offers Identity and Access Management (IAM), which lets admins give more granular access to specific Google Cloud resources and prevents unwanted access to other resources. This allows configuration of access controls and firewalls to limit access to critical systems and domain controllers.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | minimal | T1078 | Valid Accounts |
Adversaries may attempt to obtain credentials of existing account through privilege escalation or defense evasion. IAM audit logging in GCP can be used to determine roles and permissions, along with routinely checking user permissions to ensure only the expected users have the ability to list IAM identities or otherwise discover cloud accounts.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | minimal | T1078.004 | Cloud Accounts |
Adversaries may attempt to obtain credentials of existing account through privilege escalation or defense evasion. IAM audit logging in GCP can be used to determine roles and permissions, along with routinely checking user permissions to ensure only the expected users have the ability to list IAM identities or otherwise discover cloud accounts.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | partial | T1562.001 | Disable or Modify Tools |
This control adopts the security principle of least privilege, which grants necessary access to user's resources when justified and needed. This control manages access control and ensures proper user permissions are in place to prevent adversaries that try to modify and/or disable security tools.
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | protect | partial | T1562.002 | Disable Windows Event Logging |
This control adopts the security principle of least privilege, which grants necessary access to user's resources when justified and needed. This control manages access control and ensures proper user permissions are in place to prevent adversaries that try to interfere with logging.
Capability ID | Capability Name | Number of Mappings |
resourcemanager | ResourceManager | 17 |