Capability ID | Capability Description | Category | Value | ATT&CK ID | ATT&CK Name | Notes |
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1552.007 | Container API |
Adversaries may gather credentials via APIs within a containers environment. APIs in these environments, such as the Docker API and Kubernetes APIs. Anthos Config Management can manage configuration for any Kubernetes API, including policies for the Istio service mesh, resource quotas, and access control policies.
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1525 | Implant Internal Image |
Prevent configuration drift with continuous monitoring of your cluster state, using the declarative model to apply policies that enforce compliance. This control can periodically check the integrity of images and containers used in cloud deployments to ensure that adversaries cannot implant malicious code to gain access to an environment.
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | detect | partial | T1525 | Implant Internal Image |
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1609 | Container Administration Command |
Anthos Config Management lets you create and manage Kubernetes objects across multiple clusters at once. PodSecurityPolicies can be enforced to prevent Pods from using the root Linux user and prevents pods from running privileged containers. In hindsight this can ensure containers are not running as root by default.
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1610 | Deploy Container |
Anthos Config Management's Policy Controller enables you to enforce fully programmable policies on your clusters. You can use these policies to shift security left and guard against violations during development and test time, as well as runtime violations. This control can be used to block adversaries that try to deploy new containers with malware or configurations policies that are not in compliance with security policies already defined.
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | significant | T1613 | Container and Resource Discovery |
Adversaries may attempt to discover containers and other resources that are available within a containers environment. The "Network Policies" rule controls the network traffic inside clusters, denying direct remote access to internal systems through the use of network proxies, gateways, and firewalls
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1611 | Escape to Host |
Anthos Config Management lets you create and manage Kubernetes objects across multiple clusters at once. PodSecurityPolicies can be enforced to prevent Pods from using the root Linux user and prevents pods from running privileged containers. This control can be used to limit container access to host process namespaces, the host network, and the host file system, which may enable adversaries to break out of containers and gain access to the underlying host.
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1078 | Valid Accounts |
Anthos Config Management lets you create and manage Kubernetes objects across multiple clusters at once. PodSecurityPolicies can be enforced to prevent Pods from using the root Linux user. Based on the medium detection coverage, this was scored as partial.
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1078.001 | Default Accounts |
Anthos Config Management lets you create and manage Kubernetes objects across multiple clusters at once. PodSecurityPolicies can be enforced to prevent Pods from using the root Linux user. Based on the medium detection coverage, this sub-technique was scored as partial.
anthosconfigmanagement | AnthosConfigManagement | protect | partial | T1078.004 | Cloud Accounts |
Anthos Config Management lets you create and manage Kubernetes objects across multiple clusters at once. PodSecurityPolicies can be enforced to prevent Pods from using the root Linux user. Based on the medium detection coverage, this sub-technique was scored as partial.