AWS aws_secrets_manager Mappings

AWS Secrets Manager helps you protect secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources. The service enables you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle.


Capability ID Capability Description Category Value ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager protect partial T1555 Credentials from Password Stores
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager protect partial T1212 Exploitation for Credential Access
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager protect partial T1528 Steal Application Access Token
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager protect partial T1552 Unsecured Credentials
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager protect partial T1552.001 Credentials In Files
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager protect partial T1552.002 Credentials in Registry
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager protect partial T1552.004 Private Keys