T1546.001 Change Default File Association Mappings

Adversaries may establish persistence by executing malicious content triggered by a file type association. When a file is opened, the default program used to open the file (also called the file association or handler) is checked. File association selections are stored in the Windows Registry and can be edited by users, administrators, or programs that have Registry access (Citation: Microsoft Change Default Programs) (Citation: Microsoft File Handlers) or by administrators using the built-in assoc utility. (Citation: Microsoft Assoc Oct 2017) Applications can modify the file association for a given file extension to call an arbitrary program when a file with the given extension is opened.

System file associations are listed under <code>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.[extension]</code>, for example <code>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.txt</code>. The entries point to a handler for that extension located at <code>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT[handler]</code>. The various commands are then listed as subkeys underneath the shell key at <code>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT[handler]\shell[action]\command</code>. For example: * <code>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\shell\open\command</code> * <code>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\shell\print\command</code> * <code>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfile\shell\printto\command</code>

The values of the keys listed are commands that are executed when the handler opens the file extension. Adversaries can modify these values to continually execute arbitrary commands. (Citation: TrendMicro TROJ-FAKEAV OCT 2012)


Azure Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
file_integrity_monitoring File Integrity Monitoring technique_scores T1546.001 Change Default File Association
This control may detect changes to the Windows registry or files that indicate event triggered execution. The specificity of registry keys and files used in creation or modification of these scheduled tasks may reduce the false positive rate. This control at worst scans for changes on an hourly basis.