T1555.006 Cloud Secrets Management Stores Mappings

Adversaries may acquire credentials from cloud-native secret management solutions such as AWS Secrets Manager, GCP Secret Manager, Azure Key Vault, and Terraform Vault.

Secrets managers support the secure centralized management of passwords, API keys, and other credential material. Where secrets managers are in use, cloud services can dynamically acquire credentials via API requests rather than accessing secrets insecurely stored in plain text files or environment variables.

If an adversary is able to gain sufficient privileges in a cloud environment – for example, by obtaining the credentials of high-privileged Cloud Accounts or compromising a service that has permission to retrieve secrets – they may be able to request secrets from the secrets manager. This can be accomplished via commands such as get-secret-value in AWS, gcloud secrets describe in GCP, and az key vault secret show in Azure.(Citation: Permiso Scattered Spider 2023)(Citation: Sysdig ScarletEel 2.0 2023)(Citation: AWS Secrets Manager)(Citation: Google Cloud Secrets)(Citation: Microsoft Azure Key Vault)

Note: this technique is distinct from Cloud Instance Metadata API in that the credentials are being directly requested from the cloud secrets manager, rather than through the medium of the instance metadata API.


VERIS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
action.malware.variety.Password dumper Password dumper (extract credential hashes) related-to T1555.006 Credentials from Password Stores: Cloud Secrets Management Stores
attribute.confidentiality.data_disclosure None related-to T1555.006 Credentials from Password Stores: Cloud Secrets Management Stores

AWS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
aws_secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager technique_scores T1555.006 Cloud Secrets Management Stores
This control may prevent harvesting of credentials from password stores by providing a secure, finely controlled location for secrets storage. This control is only relevant for credentials that would be used from application and configuration files and not those entered directly by an end user.