T1070 Indicator Removal Mappings

Adversaries may delete or modify artifacts generated within systems to remove evidence of their presence or hinder defenses. Various artifacts may be created by an adversary or something that can be attributed to an adversary’s actions. Typically these artifacts are used as defensive indicators related to monitored events, such as strings from downloaded files, logs that are generated from user actions, and other data analyzed by defenders. Location, format, and type of artifact (such as command or login history) are often specific to each platform.

Removal of these indicators may interfere with event collection, reporting, or other processes used to detect intrusion activity. This may compromise the integrity of security solutions by causing notable events to go unreported. This activity may also impede forensic analysis and incident response, due to lack of sufficient data to determine what occurred.



Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
amazon_inspector Amazon Inspector technique_scores T1070 Indicator Removal on Host

ATT&CK Subtechniques

Technique ID Technique Name Number of Mappings
T1070.002 Clear Linux or Mac System Logs 1
T1070.007 Clear Network Connection History and Configurations 1
T1070.003 Clear Command History 1
T1070.008 Clear Mailbox Data 1
T1070.006 Timestomp 1
T1070.005 Network Share Connection Removal 1
T1070.009 Clear Persistence 1
T1070.004 File Deletion 1