T1059.011 Lua Mappings

Adversaries may abuse Lua commands and scripts for execution. Lua is a cross-platform scripting and programming language primarily designed for embedded use in applications. Lua can be executed on the command-line (through the stand-alone lua interpreter), via scripts (<code>.lua</code>), or from Lua-embedded programs (through the <code>struct lua_State</code>).(Citation: Lua main page)(Citation: Lua state)

Lua scripts may be executed by adversaries for malicious purposes. Adversaries may incorporate, abuse, or replace existing Lua interpreters to allow for malicious Lua command execution at runtime.(Citation: PoetRat Lua)(Citation: Lua Proofpoint Sunseed)(Citation: Cyphort EvilBunny)(Citation: Kaspersky Lua)


VERIS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
action.hacking.variety.Abuse of functionality Abuse of functionality. related-to T1059.011 Lua
action.hacking.variety.OS commanding OS commanding. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1059.011 Lua
action.hacking.vector.Command shell Remote shell related-to T1059.011 Lua

GCP Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
google_secops Google Security Operations technique_scores T1059.011 Lua
Google Security Operations is able to trigger an alert based on suspicious behavior seen in the Windows command line.