Analytics Repository
The following examples demonstrate how to score and improve an analytic in accordance with the Summiting the Pyramid methodology.
- Suspicious ADFind
- Scheduled Task/Job
- Service Registry Permissions Weakness Check
- Potential Access Token Abuse
- Executable (EXE) File Download from a WebDAV Server
- Link (LNK) File Download Containing a WebDAV UNC Hyperlink
- Remote Registry Management Using Reg Utility
- File Creation Date Changed to Another Year
- Zeek DCE-RPC MITRE BZAR Execution
Scored Analytics Repository:
There is also a published CSV file that contains analytics that have been scored with
the methodology: ScoredAnalytics
Score your own analytics in Sigma!
Sigma now has a tag to document the STP score of an analytic. Checkout the Sigma tags appendix to learn more.