Detection Decomposition Diagram (D3)¶
What Is D3?¶
The Detection Decomposition Diagram (D3) is a visual aid designed to showcase significant observables that exist across various implementations of a technique. The focus of a D3 for a given technique is on the known malicious implementations to identify the most useful observables for use in a robust detection. While the primary focus is on observables that can be used for resistance to adversary evasion and a low false negative rate, the D3 will also include the most significant benign implementations to keep the false positive rate in mind and help guide development toward as robust a detection as possible.
The D3 tool is most helpful in the first step of the robust detection development process, identifying all spanning sets of observables for malicious behavior as a way to illuminate key observables and where those spanning sets may exist. The D3 can also be leveraged during continual refinement of developed detections, however, as well as during later sets. Finally, the D3 can be a useful tool in visually depicting how accuracy and robustness come together when evaluating a detection across various implementations of a technique.
One caveat is that a D3 is not necessarily comprehensive of all variations of specific technique procedures. The goal of a D3 is not to capture every single value possible for an observable in each implementation, as that could overwhelm the visual and make it too difficult to understand. Rather, the D3 should highlight the most significant implementations and observables in a way that highlights all implementations at a higher, more abstracted level in a way that is helpful for defenders and detection engineers, with the ultimate focus being on shaping robust detections.
Our Inspiration: Capability Abstraction¶
Capability abstractions document the actions taken by the system, and their associated observables, once a technique is executed. Capability abstractions also help identify commonalities between implementations. Those commonalities are excellent candidates for low-variance or invariant behaviors and, therefore, robust observables.

Kerberoasting Capability Abstraction Taken From SpecterOps. [1]¶
Capability abstraction, a concept developed by SpecterOps, seeks to understand activities that occur on a system when an attacker is accomplishing their goals. It also introduced a visual graphic, known as an “abstraction map,” which conveys the relationships between operating system (OS) abstraction layers and begins to highlight how an adversary can evade a specific detection or sensor entirely and still accomplish their goals. The art of capability abstraction showcases how each tool or behavior can be uncovered into different layers that can be acted upon by defenders. As seen in the capability abstraction above, tools used for kerberoasting can map to similar managed code, Windows API functions, RPC calls, and the same network protocol. Through reverse engineering, defenders can utilize this information to detect behaviors that might be more difficult for adversaries to evade. For example, if defenders wanted to detect the tool implementations of kerberoasting shown here, they could create an analytic surrounding the network protocol Kerberos TGS-REQ/REP, a behavior that adversaries would not be able to evade based on the research conducted.
The capability abstraction map below for T1543 - Create or Modify System Process: Windows Service illustrates how multiple tools can create a new service.

New Service Capability Abstraction created by SpecterOps. The relevant MITRE ATTACK Technique ID was changed to T1543.003 after this capability abstraction was published. [2]¶
These tools and implementations include standard Windows or commonly abused binaries, OS API calls or functions, and open-source or custom code that an adversary might copy or develop. These different implementations may call the Windows API differently, which in turn might call different RPC interfaces and methods. However, they all ultimately utilize the same registry key within the Registry Service Database. If an adversary wanted to evade detection at the tool level, they could create a new service by directly interacting with the Windows API, RPC, or Registry. This is not a hypothetical but has actually been seen in the wild. Threat group APT41 has utilized Windows service creation within their attacks not only through the utilization of the service creation tool (sc.exe), but also by directly modifying the registry itself. [3]
The Summiting the Pyramid team is utilizing capability abstraction mappings to map certain observables to Analytic Robustness Categories and Event Robustness Categories outlined by our methodology. As observables are assigned, further research can be conducted to identify detections based off those observables, especially for observables that might cover part or all of a technique. For example, if a kernel call is detected, is a specific Windows Event ID fired? Are any registry keys updated? Does a registry key change over all implementations of a technique? These details give the defender a broader perspective of not only the tools that use similar behaviors toward the lower levels of the operating system, but also how to think of detecting behaviors the closer an adversary gets to the kernel.
T1003.001: OS Credential Dumping LSASS Memory¶
We will demonstrate how you can build your own D3 diagram with the example below of T1003.001: OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory. [4]
Step 1: Identifying All Spanning Sets of Observables for Malicious Behavior
To begin, the Technique T1003.001: OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory was researched to identify all potential implementations for how it could be conducted, as well as one of the most prominent benign implementations.

D3 for OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory.¶
From there, we can see a spanning set of the TargetImage: “lsass.exe”
is easily identified. Like a capability abstraction, this observable occurs across multiple implementations of this technique and could be used for building out a robust detection.

TargetImage: “lsass.exe” is an observable which is accurate and resistant to adversary evasion over time.¶
Step 2: Select the Spanning Set(s) Most Specific to the Malicious Behavior
While an analytic focused on the TargetImage
value has a low false negative, it would also capture all of the benign activity involving LSASS. We want to keep the analytic focused on the malicious behavior while also maintaining a manageable false positive rate, so next we will look at the associated events triggered when LSASS is accessed and try to identify a more specific spanning set. From our investigation, Sysmon EID 10, which produces the TargetImage
field, also has a field called GrantedAccess
. GrantedAccess
is a 32-bit mask that defines the access rights to a certain object. [5] The GrantedAccess
mask values could help differentiate typical benign LSASS access from potentially malicious access.

The highlighted observables (TargetImage, GrantedAccess) are fields that can be used to increase the accuracy of the LSASS detection.¶
This re-focus helps us get closer to a more useful, robust detection. If we place the GrantedAccess
masks defined on the ATT&CK page that are associated with malicious implementations of OS Credential Dumping, specifically 0x1010 and 0x1410, [6] we see more targeted results produced by our detection analytic. Our detection is accurate and scores at a Level 4: Core to Some Implementations of (Sub-)Technique on the Summiting model, making it reasonably resistant to adversary evasion over time.

The result of adding in GrantedAccess to the OS Credential Dumping query.¶
The GrantedAccess
mask field also allows us to highlight the most likely malicious events, making it highly accurate. A large majority of the benign uses of lsass.exe
are made using the 0x1fffff access mask, while the 0x1010 and 0x1410 are far less common. These masks allow us to dramatically lower our false positives while retaining visibility for multiple implementations of LSASS memory access. Additional malicious GrantedAccess masks could be added to make the detection more accurate in capturing more implementations based on what is expected within the environment. Since this is not a Level 5: Core to Sub-Technique or Technique, it will not capture all malicious events.
Step 3: Add Exclusions for False Positive Reduction.
While this analytic was much better in terms of accuracy and resistance to adversary evasion over time, there is still potential for false positives that we can try to address. From the notes on an associated Splunk analytic and analysis in our own testing environment, we were able to discern that certain users accessing LSASS is probably more indicative of malicious behavior than other system-associated accounts, and thus could be a way to reduce some false positives. The SourceUser
field is managed by the organization and specific to the environment, making it a Level 3: Core to Pre-Existing Tools or Inside Boundary. Additionally, the value NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
is a specific value that is known to run mostly benign activities throughout the system.

Our detection environment identifies a few distinct users which demonstrate the OS Credential Dumping LSASS behavior.¶
While this introduces another means for the adversary to potentially hide (by acting as one of those “trusted” users), we made the determination that filtering on user was more beneficial in terms of reducing false positives than it would be harmful to robustness. Thus, we arrived at our final analytic in its most robust form.

Increasing the accuracy of our analytic by looking at certain users that can call LSASS.¶
Therefore, our final analytics scoring comes out to a 3U with the use of a filter:

Our final score for OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory is 3U.¶
T1053.005: Scheduled Tasks¶
For a more detailed process of the Scheduled Task D3 visual, please refer to the Building a Robust Detection walkthrough.

D3 for scheduled tasks.¶
T1110.001: Brute Force: Password Guessing¶
This example D3 depicts the Password Guessing technique, [7] and in doing so shows the significant overlap in malicious and benign execution. Due to this overlap, it is very difficult to differentiate adversarial failed login attempts from benign, typical attempts.

Because of the difficulty with differentiation, understanding benign behavior and fields and values associated with it is a key factor to making a useful detection so that analysts are not overwhelmed with false positives they need to investigate. One robust field that can be used to assist with narrowing down results is the Status code for Windows Event ID 4625, or the Error Code value for Windows Event ID 4776 (which conveniently have equivalent values). One Sigma analytic that leverages these values is represented on the D3 below.

The Error Code provided in Windows EID 4776 can help reduce the false positive rate of this detection, but not eliminate completely.¶
While this analytic still does not completely eliminate the chances of returning false positives, it does assist with narrowing down results for analysts to investigate while also being resistant to much adversary evasion over time. This example highlights how some techniques do not cleanly differentiate between malicious and benign behavior, and while we can use the robust detection guidance to narrow down alerts to more specifically focus on potentially malicious behavior, it may not be possible to do so effectively in all scenarios.