VERIS action.malware.variety.Exploit vuln Mappings


Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
action.malware.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other malware enumerations, (such as Remote injection when a Remote injection vuln exists.) related-to T1190 Exploit Public-Facing Application
action.malware.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other malware enumerations, (such as Remote injection when a Remote injection vuln exists.) related-to T1210 Exploitation of Remote Services
action.malware.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other malware enumerations, (such as Remote injection when a Remote injection vuln exists.) related-to T1212 Exploitation for Credential Access
action.malware.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other malware enumerations, (such as Remote injection when a Remote injection vuln exists.) related-to T1595.002 Active Scanning: Vulnerability Scanning
action.malware.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other malware enumerations, (such as Remote injection when a Remote injection vuln exists.) related-to T1133 External Remote Services
action.malware.variety.Exploit vuln Exploit vulnerability in code (vs misconfig or weakness). This can be used with other malware enumerations, (such as Remote injection when a Remote injection vuln exists.) related-to T1211 Exploitation for Defense Evasion