NIST 800-53 AC-18 Mappings

Wireless technologies include microwave, packet radio (ultra-high frequency or very high frequency), 802.11x, and Bluetooth. Wireless networks use authentication protocols that provide authenticator protection and mutual authentication.


Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1070.002 Clear Linux or Mac System Logs
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1119 Automated Collection
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1557.002 ARP Cache Poisoning
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1558.002 Silver Ticket
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1558.003 Kerberoasting
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1558.004 AS-REP Roasting
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1565 Data Manipulation
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1565.001 Stored Data Manipulation
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1565.002 Transmitted Data Manipulation
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1602 Data from Configuration Repository
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1602.001 SNMP (MIB Dump)
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1602.002 Network Device Configuration Dump
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1557 Adversary-in-the-Middle
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1552.004 Private Keys
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1530 Data from Cloud Storage
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1070.001 Clear Windows Event Logs
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1070 Indicator Removal
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1552 Unsecured Credentials
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1070.008 Clear Mailbox Data
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1040 Network Sniffing
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1011 Exfiltration Over Other Network Medium
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1011.001 Exfiltration Over Bluetooth
AC-18 Wireless Access Protects T1020.001 Traffic Duplication