M365 DO365-TT-E5 Mappings

Threat Trackers are informative widgets and views that provide you with intelligence on different cybersecurity issues that might impact your company. For example, you can view information about trending malware campaigns using Threat Trackers.


Capability ID Capability Description Category Value ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
DO365-TT-E5 Threat Tracker detect partial T1566.001 Spearphishing Attachment
The Threat Tracker control includes noteworthy trackers, which highlights newly detected malicious files found with Safe Attachments, that may alert on malicious Spearphishing Attachments. Specifically, noteworthy trackers will highlight malicious files that were not previously found by Microsoft in your email flow or in other customers’ emails. This scores Partial for Detection, for the ability to highlight potential new threats , although it is the Safe Attachments control that denotes and analyzes email attachments to begin with. License Requirements: Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 (includes Defender for Office 365 Plan 2)
DO365-TT-E5 Threat Tracker detect minimal T1566 Phishing
The Threat Tracker control includes noteworthy trackers, which highlights newly detected malicious files found with Safe Attachments, that may alert on Phishing emails, if they contain malicious attachments. Specifically, noteworthy trackers will highlight malicious files that were not previously found by Microsoft in your email flow or in other customers’ emails. This scores Minimal for Detection, based on the low coverage of this technique’s sub-techniques and procedures. License Requirements: Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 (includes Defender for Office 365 Plan 2)