GCP Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring Capability Group

All Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Category Value ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
mandiant_digital_threatmon Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring protect minimal T1078 Valid Accounts
Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring continually monitors for compromised credentials and data leaks on both the open and dark web. This control may protect against credential abuse by alerting on leaked credentials. Since this control must depend on accessible sources for dumps, it does not protect against credentials that have been collected for a campaign but never posted, so the score is partial.
mandiant_digital_threatmon Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring detect partial T1195 Supply Chain Compromise
Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring continually monitors for compromised credentials and data leaks on both the open and dark web. This control may protect against credential abuse by alerting on leaked credentials. Since this control must depend on accessible sources for dumps, it does not protect against credentials that have been collected for a campaign but never posted, so the score is partial.
mandiant_digital_threatmon Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring detect partial T1199 Trusted Relationship
Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring continually monitors for compromised credentials and data leaks on both the open and dark web. This control may protect against credential abuse by alerting on leaked credentials. Since this control must depend on accessible sources for dumps, it does not protect against credentials that have been collected for a campaign but never posted, so the score is partial.
mandiant_digital_threatmon Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring detect partial T1591 Gather Victim Org Information
Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring continually monitors for compromised credentials and data leaks on both the open and dark web. This control may protect against Gather Victim Org Information by alerting on custom data leaks. Since this control must depend on accessible sources for dumps, it does not protect against data that has been collected for a campaign but never posted, so the score is partial.


Capability ID Capability Name Number of Mappings
mandiant_digital_threatmon Mandiant Digital Threat Monitoring 4