GCP Assured Open Source Software Capability Group

All Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Category Value ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
assured_oss Assured Open Source Software protect partial T1195 Supply Chain Compromise
Assured OSS provides Google OSS packages built with security features to help improve the security of a software supply chain, including vulnerability testing, signed provenance, and secured distribution.
assured_oss Assured Open Source Software protect partial T1195.001 Compromise Software Dependencies and Development Tools
Assured OSS provides Google OSS packages built with security features to help improve the security of a software supply chain, including vulnerability testing, signed provenance, and secured distribution.
assured_oss Assured Open Source Software protect partial T1195.002 Compromise Software Supply Chain
Assured OSS provides Google OSS packages built with security features to help improve the security of a software supply chain, including vulnerability testing, signed provenance, and secured distribution.


Capability ID Capability Name Number of Mappings
assured_oss Assured Open Source Software 3