GCP assured_oss Mappings

Assured Open Source Software (OSS) provides access to a curated collection of open source software packages which are vetted by Google. This capability focuses on software development to protect code from vulnerabilities, helping to reduce the risk to the software supply chain.


Capability ID Capability Description Category Value ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
assured_oss Assured Open Source Software protect partial T1195 Supply Chain Compromise
Assured OSS provides Google OSS packages built with security features to help improve the security of a software supply chain, including vulnerability testing, signed provenance, and secured distribution.
assured_oss Assured Open Source Software protect partial T1195.001 Compromise Software Dependencies and Development Tools
Assured OSS provides Google OSS packages built with security features to help improve the security of a software supply chain, including vulnerability testing, signed provenance, and secured distribution.
assured_oss Assured Open Source Software protect partial T1195.002 Compromise Software Supply Chain
Assured OSS provides Google OSS packages built with security features to help improve the security of a software supply chain, including vulnerability testing, signed provenance, and secured distribution.