T1608 Stage Capabilities Mappings

Adversaries may upload, install, or otherwise set up capabilities that can be used during targeting. To support their operations, an adversary may need to take capabilities they developed (Develop Capabilities) or obtained (Obtain Capabilities) and stage them on infrastructure under their control. These capabilities may be staged on infrastructure that was previously purchased/rented by the adversary (Acquire Infrastructure) or was otherwise compromised by them (Compromise Infrastructure). Capabilities can also be staged on web services, such as GitHub or Pastebin.(Citation: Volexity Ocean Lotus November 2020)

Staging of capabilities can aid the adversary in a number of initial access and post-compromise behaviors, including (but not limited to):

  • Staging web resources necessary to conduct Drive-by Compromise when a user browses to a site.(Citation: FireEye CFR Watering Hole 2012)(Citation: Gallagher 2015)(Citation: ATT ScanBox)
  • Staging web resources for a link target to be used with spearphishing.(Citation: Malwarebytes Silent Librarian October 2020)(Citation: Proofpoint TA407 September 2019)
  • Uploading malware or tools to a location accessible to a victim network to enable Ingress Tool Transfer.(Citation: Volexity Ocean Lotus November 2020)
  • Installing a previously acquired SSL/TLS certificate to use to encrypt command and control traffic (ex: Asymmetric Cryptography with Web Protocols).(Citation: DigiCert Install SSL Cert)

VERIS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
action.malware.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1608 Stage Capabilities
value_chain.distribution.variety.Unknown Nothing is known about the need for or type of distribution investment other than it was present. related-to T1608 Stage Capabilities

ATT&CK Subtechniques

Technique ID Technique Name Number of Mappings
T1608.004 Drive-by Target 2
T1608.003 Install Digital Certificate 2
T1608.005 Link Target 1
T1608.001 Upload Malware 2
T1608.002 Upload Tool 2