T1583.004 Server Mappings

Adversaries may buy, lease, or rent physical servers that can be used during targeting. Use of servers allows an adversary to stage, launch, and execute an operation. During post-compromise activity, adversaries may utilize servers for various tasks, including for Command and Control. Instead of compromising a third-party Server or renting a Virtual Private Server, adversaries may opt to configure and run their own servers in support of operations.

Adversaries may only need a lightweight setup if most of their activities will take place using online infrastructure. Or, they may need to build extensive infrastructure if they want to test, communicate, and control other aspects of their activities on their own systems.(Citation: NYTStuxnet)



Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
action.hacking.variety.Forced browsing Forced browsing or predictable resource location. Child of 'Exploit vuln'. related-to T1583.004 Acquire Infrastructure: Server
action.hacking.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1583.004 Acquire Infrastructure: Server
value_chain.distribution.variety.Other The variety of distribution was known, but is not listed related-to T1583.004 Acquire Infrastructure: Server
value_chain.non-distribution services.variety.Other The variety of non-distribution service required is known, but is not listed related-to T1583.004 Acquire Infrastructure: Server