T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries Mappings

Adversaries may modify XDG autostart entries to execute programs or commands during system boot. Linux desktop environments that are XDG compliant implement functionality for XDG autostart entries. These entries will allow an application to automatically start during the startup of a desktop environment after user logon. By default, XDG autostart entries are stored within the <code>/etc/xdg/autostart</code> or <code>~/.config/autostart</code> directories and have a .desktop file extension.(Citation: Free Desktop Application Autostart Feb 2006)

Within an XDG autostart entry file, the <code>Type</code> key specifies if the entry is an application (type 1), link (type 2) or directory (type 3). The <code>Name</code> key indicates an arbitrary name assigned by the creator and the <code>Exec</code> key indicates the application and command line arguments to execute.(Citation: Free Desktop Entry Keys)

Adversaries may use XDG autostart entries to maintain persistence by executing malicious commands and payloads, such as remote access tools, during the startup of a desktop environment. Commands included in XDG autostart entries with execute after user logon in the context of the currently logged on user. Adversaries may also use Masquerading to make XDG autostart entries look as if they are associated with legitimate programs.



Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
AC-17 Remote Access Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
AC-2 Account Management Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
AC-3 Access Enforcement Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
AC-5 Separation of Duties Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
AC-6 Least Privilege Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
CA-7 Continuous Monitoring Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
CM-11 User-installed Software Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
CM-2 Baseline Configuration Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
CM-3 Configuration Change Control Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
CM-5 Access Restrictions for Change Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
CM-6 Configuration Settings Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
IA-2 Identification and Authentication (organizational Users) Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
SI-3 Malicious Code Protection Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
SI-4 System Monitoring Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
SI-7 Software, Firmware, and Information Integrity Protects T1547.013 XDG Autostart Entries
attribute.integrity.variety.Modify configuration Modified configuration or services related-to T1547.013 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: XDG Autostart Entries