T1547.010 Port Monitors Mappings

Adversaries may use port monitors to run an attacker supplied DLL during system boot for persistence or privilege escalation. A port monitor can be set through the <code>AddMonitor</code> API call to set a DLL to be loaded at startup. (Citation: AddMonitor) This DLL can be located in <code>C:\Windows\System32</code> and will be loaded by the print spooler service, spoolsv.exe, on boot. The spoolsv.exe process also runs under SYSTEM level permissions. (Citation: Bloxham) Alternatively, an arbitrary DLL can be loaded if permissions allow writing a fully-qualified pathname for that DLL to <code>HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Monitors</code>.

The Registry key contains entries for the following:

  • Local Port
  • Standard TCP/IP Port
  • USB Monitor
  • WSD Port

Adversaries can use this technique to load malicious code at startup that will persist on system reboot and execute as SYSTEM.



Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name
attribute.integrity.variety.Modify configuration Modified configuration or services related-to T1547.010 Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Port Monitors