T1071 Application Layer Protocol Mappings

Adversaries may communicate using application layer protocols to avoid detection/network filtering by blending in with existing traffic. Commands to the remote system, and often the results of those commands, will be embedded within the protocol traffic between the client and server.

Adversaries may utilize many different protocols, including those used for web browsing, transferring files, electronic mail, or DNS. For connections that occur internally within an enclave (such as those between a proxy or pivot node and other nodes), commonly used protocols are SMB, SSH, or RDP.


NIST 800-53 Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
AC-4 Information Flow Enforcement Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
CA-7 Continuous Monitoring Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
CM-2 Baseline Configuration Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
CM-6 Configuration Settings Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
CM-7 Least Functionality Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-10 Network Disconnect Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-20 Secure Name/address Resolution Service (authoritative Source) Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-21 Secure Name/address Resolution Service (recursive or Caching Resolver) Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-22 Architecture and Provisioning for Name/address Resolution Service Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-23 Session Authenticity Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-31 Covert Channel Analysis Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-37 Out-of-band Channels Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SC-7 Boundary Protection Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SI-3 Malicious Code Protection Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol
SI-4 System Monitoring Protects T1071 Application Layer Protocol

VERIS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
action.hacking.variety.Use of backdoor or C2 Use of Backdoor or C2 channel related-to T1071 Application Layer Protocol
action.hacking.vector.Backdoor or C2 Backdoor or command and control channel related-to T1071 Application Layer Protocol
action.malware.variety.C2 Command and control (C2) related-to T1071 Application Layer Protocol
action.malware.variety.Unknown Unknown related-to T1071 Application Layer Protocol

AWS Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
amazon_guardduty Amazon GuardDuty technique_scores T1071 Application Layer Protocol
GuardDuty flags events matching the following finding types that relate to adversaries attempting to communicate using application layer protocols to avoid detection. UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/MaliciousIPCaller.Custom Trojan:EC2/DropPoint!DNS Trojan:EC2/DropPoint Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B!DNS Trojan:EC2/BlackholeTraffic Trojan:EC2/BlackholeTraffic!DNS
aws_iot_device_defender AWS IoT Device Defender technique_scores T1071 Application Layer Protocol
The following AWS IoT Device Defender cloud-side detection metrics can detect indicators that an adversary may be leveraging compromised AWS IoT devices and application layer protocols - especially the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol - to communicate for command and control purposes: "Source IP" ("aws:source-ip-address") values outside of expected IP address ranges may suggest that a device has been stolen. "Messages sent" ("aws:num-messages-sent"), "Messages received" ("aws:num-messages-received"), and "Message size" ("aws:message-byte-size") values outside of expected norms may indicate that devices are sending and/or receiving non-standard traffic, which may include command and control traffic. The following AWS IoT Device Defender device-side detection metrics can detect indicators that an adversary may be leveraging compromised AWS IoT devices and application layer protocols - especially the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol - to communicate for command and control purposes: "Destination IPs" ("aws:destination-ip-addresses") outside of expected IP address ranges may suggest that a device is communicating with unexpected parties. "Bytes in" ("aws:all-bytes-in"), "Bytes out" ("aws:all-bytes-out"), "Packets in" ("aws:all-packets-in"), and "Packets out" ("aws:all-packets-out") values outside of expected norms may indicate that the device is sending and/or receiving non-standard traffic, which may include command and control traffic. "Listening TCP ports" ("aws:listening-tcp-ports"), "Listening TCP port count" ("aws:num-listening-tcp-ports"), "Established TCP connections count" ("aws:num-established-tcp-connections"), "Listening UDP ports" ("aws:listening-udp-ports"), and "Listening UDP port count" ("aws:num-listening-udp-ports") values outside of expected norms may indicate that devices are communicating via unexpected ports/protocols that may suggest application layer command and control traffic. Coverage factor is minimal, since these metrics are limited to IoT device communication and none of this technique's sub-techniques are addressed, resulting in an overall score of Minimal.
aws_web_application_firewall AWS Web Application Firewall technique_scores T1071 Application Layer Protocol
AWS WAF protects against this by inspecting incoming requests and blocking malicious traffic. AWS WAF uses the following rule sets to provide this protection. AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet AWSManagedRulesAdminProtectionRuleSet AWSManagedRulesKnownBadInputsRuleSet AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet AWSManagedRulesLinuxRuleSet AWSManagedRulesUnixRuleSet AWSManagedRulesWindowsRuleSet AWSManagedRulesPHPRuleSet AWSManagedRulesWordPressRuleSet AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet This is scored as Minimal because the rule sets only protect against a subset of the sub-techniques (1 of 4).
aws_network_firewall AWS Network Firewall technique_scores T1071 Application Layer Protocol
AWS Network Firewall has the ability to pass, drop, or alert on traffic based on the network protocol as well as perform deep packet inspection on the payload. This functionality can be used to block malicious or unwanted traffic leveraging application layer protocols. Given this supports all sub-techniques, the mapping is given a score of Significant.

ATT&CK Subtechniques

Technique ID Technique Name Number of Mappings
T1071.004 DNS 22
T1071.002 File Transfer Protocols 19
T1071.003 Mail Protocols 19
T1071.001 Web Protocols 20