T1110 Brute Force Mappings

Adversaries may use brute force techniques to gain access to accounts when passwords are unknown or when password hashes are obtained. Without knowledge of the password for an account or set of accounts, an adversary may systematically guess the password using a repetitive or iterative mechanism. Brute forcing passwords can take place via interaction with a service that will check the validity of those credentials or offline against previously acquired credential data, such as password hashes.


NIST 800-53 Mappings

Azure Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
azure_ad_identity_protection Azure AD Identity Protection technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
azure_ad_identity_protection Azure AD Identity Protection technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
alerts_for_windows_machines Alerts for Windows Machines technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control provides detection for some of this technique's sub-techniques and procedure examples resulting in a Partial Coverage score and consequently an overall score of Partial.
azure_security_center_recommendations Azure Security Center Recommendations technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control's "Authentication to Linux machines should require SSH keys" recommendation can lead to obviating SSH Brute Force password attacks. Because this is specific to Linux, the coverage score is Minimal leading to an overall Minimal score.
linux_auditd_alerts_and_log_analytics_agent_integration Linux auditd alerts and Log Analytics agent integration technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control provides partial coverage for most of this technique's sub-techniques and procedures.
azure_sentinel Azure Sentinel technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control includes partial detection coverage for most of this technique's sub-techniques on a periodic basis.
azure_ad_password_policy Azure AD Password Policy technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control provides partial protection for most of this technique's sub-techniques and therefore has been scored as Partial.
microsoft_defender_for_identity Microsoft Defender for Identity technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control provides significant detection of some of the sub-techniques of this technique and has therefore been assessed an overall score of Partial.
azure_ad_multi-factor_authentication Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
MFA provides significant protection against password compromises, requiring the adversary to complete an additional authentication method before their access is permitted.
azure_policy Azure Policy technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
azure_alerts_for_network_layer Azure Alerts for Network Layer technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control can identify multiple connection attempts by external IPs, which may be indicative of Brute Force attempts, though not T1110.002, which is performed offline. It provides significant detection from most of this technique's sub-techniques and procedure examples resulting in an overall score of Significant.
advanced_threat_protection_for_azure_sql_database Advanced Threat Protection for Azure SQL Database technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control covers the majority of sub-techniques for this parent technique and may cover both successful and unsuccessful brute force attacks. This control only provides alerts for a set of Azure database offerings. Databases that have been deployed to endpoints within Azure or third-party databases deployed to Azure do not generate alerts for this control.
conditional_access Conditional Access technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
Conditional Access can be used to enforce MFA for users which provides significant protection against password compromises, requiring an adversary to complete an additional authentication method before their access is permitted.
cloud_app_security_policies Cloud App Security Policies technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
azure_ad_identity_secure_score Azure AD Identity Secure Score technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
azure_active_directory_password_protection Azure Active Directory Password Protection technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
just-in-time_vm_access Just-in-Time VM Access technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control can be configured to completely block inbound access to selected ports until access is requested. This prevents any attempt at brute forcing a protocol, such as RDP or SSH, unless the attacker has the credentials and permissions to request such access. Even if permission has been granted to an authorized user to access the virtual machine, a list of authorized IP addresses for that access can be configured.
passwordless_authentication Passwordless Authentication technique_scores T1110 Brute Force
This control provides significant protection against this brute force technique by completing obviating the need for passwords by replacing it with passwordless credentials.

ATT&CK Subtechniques

Technique ID Technique Name Number of Mappings
T1110.004 Credential Stuffing 29
T1110.002 Password Cracking 19
T1110.001 Password Guessing 30
T1110.003 Password Spraying 31