T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter Mappings

Adversaries may abuse command and script interpreters to execute commands, scripts, or binaries. These interfaces and languages provide ways of interacting with computer systems and are a common feature across many different platforms. Most systems come with some built-in command-line interface and scripting capabilities, for example, macOS and Linux distributions include some flavor of Unix Shell while Windows installations include the Windows Command Shell and PowerShell.

There are also cross-platform interpreters such as Python, as well as those commonly associated with client applications such as JavaScript and Visual Basic.

Adversaries may abuse these technologies in various ways as a means of executing arbitrary commands. Commands and scripts can be embedded in Initial Access payloads delivered to victims as lure documents or as secondary payloads downloaded from an existing C2. Adversaries may also execute commands through interactive terminals/shells, as well as utilize various Remote Services in order to achieve remote Execution.(Citation: Powershell Remote Commands)(Citation: Cisco IOS Software Integrity Assurance - Command History)(Citation: Remote Shell Execution in Python)


Intel vPro Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
intel-pt Intel Processor Trace Crowdstrike HEED T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CrowdStrike Falcon Hardware Enhanced Exploit Detection (HEED) is an advanced security feature that integrates Intel Processor Trace (Intel PT) technology to provide enhanced visibility into sophisticated attack techniques, including real-time detection of exploits that abuse command and scripting interpreters. These attacks often involve adversaries exploiting vulnerabilities within applications, services, or the operating system to execute malicious commands or scripts, enabling them to manipulate system behavior and compromise security. Intel PT offers deep insights into program execution at the hardware level, capturing critical telemetry such as control flow, memory access, and instruction execution in real-time. This detailed telemetry helps security teams detect abnormal behaviors, such as suspicious script executions, unexpected command flows, and attempts to hijack legitimate processes through interpreters like PowerShell or Bash. By monitoring these low-level activities, HEED makes it easier to identify exploitation attempts that manipulate command and scripting interpreters to gain unauthorized access or escalate privileges. By combining Intel PT’s granular telemetry with advanced detection algorithms, HEED provides a powerful defense against evasive attack techniques that may bypass traditional security measures. This proactive approach enables organizations to quickly identify and mitigate exploits abusing command and scripting interpreters, strengthening the protection of critical systems and reducing the risk of compromise from advanced cyber threats.
intel-tdt Intel Threat Detection Technology CrowdStrike AMS T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
Intel Threat Detection Technology (TDT), integrated with CrowdStrike Falcon Accelerated Memory Scanning (CAMS), strengthens cybersecurity defenses by enabling faster, real-time detection of command and scripting interpreter attacks. This integrated solution enhances CrowdStrike Falcon, improving its ability to detect and mitigate cyber threats earlier in the kill chain, while minimizing system performance impact. Command and scripting interpreter attacks involve adversaries exploiting command-line interfaces (such as PowerShell, cmd.exe, or Bash) or scripting languages to execute unauthorized commands or scripts. These attacks can be used to bypass traditional security measures, gain unauthorized access, or execute malicious payloads. Intel TDT plays a crucial role in identifying these threats by providing real-time telemetry on program execution, memory access, and control flow, enabling rapid detection of suspicious behavior such as abnormal use of command-line interpreters or scripts that could indicate malicious activity. Additionally, CAMS offloads the memory scanning workload from the CPU to the Intel Integrated GPU, ensuring faster, more efficient detection of malicious activity without degrading system performance. CAMS helps identify suspicious behaviors, such as the execution of unauthorized scripts, commands, or PowerShell scripts, which are often used to escalate privileges, exfiltrate data, or deliver additional malicious payloads.
intel-tdt Intel Threat Detection Technology CrowdStrike AMS T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
Intel Threat Detection Technology (TDT), integrated with CrowdStrike Falcon Accelerated Memory Scanning (CAMS), strengthens cybersecurity defenses by enabling faster, real-time detection of command and scripting interpreter attacks. This integrated solution enhances CrowdStrike Falcon, improving its ability to detect and mitigate cyber threats earlier in the kill chain, while minimizing system performance impact. Command and scripting interpreter attacks involve adversaries exploiting command-line interfaces (such as PowerShell, cmd.exe, or Bash) or scripting languages to execute unauthorized commands or scripts. These attacks can be used to bypass traditional security measures, gain unauthorized access, or execute malicious payloads. Intel TDT plays a crucial role in identifying these threats by providing real-time telemetry on program execution, memory access, and control flow, enabling rapid detection of suspicious behavior such as abnormal use of command-line interpreters or scripts that could indicate malicious activity. Additionally, CAMS offloads the memory scanning workload from the CPU to the Intel Integrated GPU, ensuring faster, more efficient detection of malicious activity without degrading system performance. CAMS helps identify suspicious behaviors, such as the execution of unauthorized scripts, commands, or PowerShell scripts, which are often used to escalate privileges, exfiltrate data, or deliver additional malicious payloads.

Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
CVE-2022-36804 Atlassian Bitbucket Server and Data Center Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability allows remote attackers with read permissions to a public or private Bitbucket repositories to execute arbitrary code by sending a malicious HTTP request.
CVE-2010-2883 Adobe Acrobat and Reader Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by the user opening a malicious pdf file to achieve arbitrary code execution.
CVE-2023-26359 Adobe ColdFusion Deserialization of Untrusted Data Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is utilized by exploiting a public-facing server.
CVE-2021-21972 VMware vCenter Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-21972 is a RCE vulnerability affecting VMware vCenter servers. An attacker with network access to port 443 may exploit this issue to execute commands with unrestricted privileges on the underlying operating system that hosts vCenter Server.
CVE-2020-0787 Microsoft Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Improper Privilege Management Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-0787 is a privilege elevation vulnerability in the Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). An actor can exploit this vulnerability if it improperly handles symbolic links to execute arbitrary code with system-level privileges.
CVE-2017-11882 Microsoft Office Memory Corruption Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-0688 exists in Microsoft Office, which is prone to a memory corruption vulnerability allowing an attacker to run arbitrary code if unpatched, in the context of the current user, by failing to properly handle objects in memory. Cyber actors continued to exploit this vulnerability in Microsoft Office. The vulnerability is ideal for phasing campaigns, and it enables RCE on vulnerable systems.
CVE-2020-15505 Ivanti MobileIron Multiple Products Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-15505 is an RCE vulnerability in MobileIron Core & Connector that allows an external attacker, with no privileges, to execute code of their choice on the vulnerable system. As mobile device management (MDM) systems are critical to configuration management for external devices, they are usually highly permissioned and make a valuable target for threat actors. Multiple APTs have been observed exploiting this vulnerability to gain unauthorized access.
CVE-2020-5902 F5 BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-5902—an RCE vulnerability in the BIG-IP Traffic Management User Interface (TMUI)—to take control of victim systems. On June 30, F5 disclosed CVE-2020-5902, stating that it allows attackers to, “execute arbitrary system commands, create or delete files, disable services, and/or execute arbitrary Java code.” - CISA Advisory
CVE-2019-11510 Ivanti Pulse Connect Secure Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE 2019-11510 Pulse Secure Connect is vulnerable to unauthenticated arbitrary file disclosure. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to gain access to administrative credentials.
CVE-2019-19781 Citrix ADC, Gateway, and SD-WAN WANOP Appliance Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2019-19781 is exploited through directory traversal, allowing an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code on affected Citrix Netscaler Application Delivery Control (ADC).
CVE-2016-4437 Apache Shiro Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2016-4437 is a code execution vulnerability in Apache Shiro that allows remote attackers to execute code or bypass access restrictions via an unspecified request parameter when a cipher key has not been configured for the "remember me" feature.
CVE-2021-42013 Apache HTTP Server Path Traversal Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-42013 was introduced as the fix for CVE-2021-41773 in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.50. CVE-2021-42013 is a path traversal vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.49 that allows an attacker to map URLs to files outside the directories configured by Alias-like directives. If files outside of these directories are not protected by the usual default configuration "require all denied," these requests can succeed. If CGI scripts are also enabled for these aliased paths, this could allow for remote code execution.
CVE-2021-41773 Apache HTTP Server Path Traversal Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-41773 is a path traversal vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.49 that allows an attacker to map URLs to files outside the directories configured by Alias-like directives. If files outside of these directories are not protected by the usual default configuration "require all denied," these requests can succeed. If CGI scripts are also enabled for these aliased paths, this could allow for remote code execution.
CVE-2018-11776 Apache Struts Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2018-11776 is a remote code execution vulnerability in the Apache Struts web application framework that could allow remote attackers to run malicious code on the affected servers when alwaysSelectFullNamespace is true and then results are used with no namespace.
CVE-2017-5638 Apache Struts Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2017-5638 is a remote code execution vulnerability in Apache Struts Jakarta Multipart versions that allows for malicious file upload using Content-Type, Content-Disposition, or Content-Length HTTP headers during file-upload attempts leading to an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This CVE was known to be exploited during the Equifax breach.
CVE-2020-17530 Apache Struts Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-17530 is a remote code execution vulnerability in Apache Struts versions 2.0.0 - 2.5.25 allows an attacker to execute code via forced Object Graph Navigational Language (OGNL).
CVE-2019-17558 Apache Solr VelocityResponseWriter Plug-In Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2019-17558 is a vulnerability in Apache Solr that allows for Remote Code Execution (RCE) through the VelocityResponseWriter.
CVE-2017-9805 Apache Struts Deserialization of Untrusted Data Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2017-9805 is a deserialization vulnerability in the Apache Struts REST Plugin that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands remotely on the affected systems by sending a specially crafted web request to the application.
CVE-2021-27104 Accellion FTA OS Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-27104 is an operating system command injection vulnerability in Accellion File Transfer Appliance in that allows an adversary to execute commands by sending a specially crafted POST request to the product's administrative endpoint.
CVE-2021-27102 Accellion FTA OS Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-27102 is an operating system command execution vulnerability in Accellion File Transfer Appliance that allows an adversary to execute arbitrary commands via a local web service call.
CVE-2021-27101 Accellion FTA SQL Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-27101 is a SQL injection vulnerability in Accellion File Transfer Appliance that allows an adversary to execute SQL commands.
CVE-2019-11634 Citrix Workspace Application and Receiver for Windows Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
Vulnerability in Citrix Receiver for Windows may allows attacker to gain read/write access to the client's local drives, potentially enabling code execution on the client device, such as deploying ransomware
CVE-2019-13608 Citrix StoreFront Server XML External Entity (XXE) Processing Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2019-13608 is a an XML External Entity (XXE) processing vulnerability that may allow an unauthenticated attacker to retrieve potentially sensitive information.
CVE-2021-1498 Cisco HyperFlex HX Data Platform Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-1498 is a critical vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco HyperFlex HX Data Platform. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated, remote attacker to perform a command injection attack against an affected device
CVE-2021-1497 Cisco HyperFlex HX Installer Virtual Machine Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-1497 is a critical vulnerability in the web-based management interface of Cisco HyperFlex HX Installer Virtual Machine. This vulnerability allows an unauthenticated, remote attacker to perform a command injection attack against an affected device
CVE-2024-34102 Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference (XXE) Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by sending a crafted XML document that references external entities with the likely goal of accessing local data.
CVE-2020-3580 Cisco ASA and FTD Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-3580 is a vulnerability affecting the web services interface of Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Software and Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) Software. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by persuading a user of the interface to click a crafted link to to execute arbitrary script code within the interface or access sensitive browser-based information.
CVE-2021-42258 BQE BillQuick Web Suite SQL Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-42258 is a SQL injection vulnerability in BillQuick Web Suite that allows attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands on the database server
CVE-2019-11580 Atlassian Crowd and Crowd Data Center Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2019-11580 is a critical vulnerability affecting Atlassian Crowd and Crowd Data Center that allows attackers remote code execution to send specially crafted requests to install malicious plugins on vulnerable Crowd instances.
CVE-2021-26084 Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-26084 is a critical vulnerability affecting Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center that allows unauthenticated remote code execution. This Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) injection vulnerability enables attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable Confluence instances
CVE-2019-3398 Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center Path Traversal Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2019-3398 is a path traversal vulnerability in Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center that allows an authenticated attacker to write files to arbitrary locations, potentially leading to remote code execution
CVE-2021-35464 ForgeRock Access Management (AM) Core Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-35464, a pre-auth remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in ForgeRock Access Manager identity and access management software. ForgeRock front-ends web applications and remote access solutions in many enterprises.
CVE-2021-22986 F5 BIG-IP and BIG-IQ Centralized Management iControl REST Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-22986 is a remote command execution vulnerability occurring on the iControl REST interface. Impact reported by the F5 security advisory "This vulnerability allows for unauthenticated attackers with network access to the iControl REST interface, through the BIG-IP management interface and self IP addresses, to execute arbitrary system commands, create or delete files, and disable services. This vulnerability can only be exploited through the control plane and cannot be exploited through the data plane. Exploitation can lead to complete system compromise. "
CVE-2018-6789 Exim Buffer Overflow Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2018-6789 is a vulnerability in Exim, an open-source mail transfer agent. This vulnerability, identified as an off-by-one buffer overflow, allows attackers to execute arbitrary code remotely by sending specially crafted messages to the SMTP listener.
CVE-2021-22205 GitLab Community and Enterprise Editions Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-22205 is a critical remote code execution vulnerability allowing unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary commands on affected systems. The vulnerability was reported to be actively exploited for o assemble botnets and launch gigantic distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
CVE-2018-7600 Drupal Core Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2018-7602 is a remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting Drupal’s versions 7 and 8. According to reports, successfully exploiting the vulnerability entails elevating the permission to modify or delete the content of a Drupal-run site and crypto-jacking campaigns.
CVE-2020-8515 Multiple DrayTek Vigor Routers Web Management Page Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-8515 is a command injection vulnerability affecting certain DrayTek devices, This vulnerability allows an attacker to make arbitrary commands on the affected devices without authentication. Successful exploitation has been reported leading to resource hijacking for botnet use.
CVE-2017-9822 DotNetNuke (DNN) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2017-9822 is a vulnerability allows an attacker to exploit cookie deserialization, leading to remote code execution (RCE). It has been noted for its potential impact on various web applications
CVE-2020-25506 D-Link DNS-320 Device Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-25506 is a command injection vulnerability in the D-Link DNS-320 FW v2.06B01 Revision Ax system_mgr.cgi component, which can lead to remote arbitrary code execution.
CVE-2020-29557 D-Link DIR-825 R1 Devices Buffer Overflow Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2020-29557 is a buffer overflow vulnerability in the web interface allows attackers to achieve pre-authentication remote code execution. Unidentified threat actors are reported to have been actively exploiting it to co-opt them to a Mirai-variant botnet used for carrying out DDoS attacks, merely two days after its public disclosure.
CVE-2024-26169 Microsoft Windows Error Reporting Service Improper Privilege Management Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is a zero-day exploit that "manipulates the Windows file werkernel.sys, which uses a null security descriptor when creating registry keys. Attackers create a registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\WerFault.exe and set the "Debugger" value to the exploit's executable pathname. This allows the exploit to start a shell with administrative privileges." This vulnerability has been exploited by the Black Basta ransomware group.
CVE-2021-3129 Laravel Ignition File Upload Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited when a remote unauthorized user sends a malicious payload to a server using an insecure version of Ignition. The payload targets the MakeViewVariableOptionalSolution.php module, leveraging insecure PHP functions file_get_contents and file_put_contents to specify a file path for executing arbitrary code.
CVE-2023-27350 PaperCut MF/NG Improper Access Control Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2023-27350 allows an unauthenticated actor to execute malicious code remotely without credentials. Threat actors have been observed exploiting this software through its print scripting interface and installed command and control software on target machines.
CVE-2022-35405 Zoho ManageEngine Multiple Products Remote Code Execution Vulnerability exploitation_technique T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2022-35405 is an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability as a result of deserialization.
CVE-2023-40044 Progress WS_FTP Server Deserialization of Untrusted Data Vulnerability exploitation_technique T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
Zero-day .NET deserialization vulnerability that allows an adversary to make an HTTP POST request to a vulnerable WS_FTP Server and execute commands.
CVE-2023-34362 Progress MOVEit Transfer SQL Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2023-34362 is a SQL injection vulnerability in a public-facing application. Adversaries have been observed to exploit this vulnerability to install malicious software on a target system, enabling them to discover system settings and information, enumerate the underlying SQL database, retrieve files, create administrator accounts, and delete accounts.
CVE-2023-48788 Fortinet FortiClient EMS SQL Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This is an SQL injection vulnerability that can be exploited to execute remote code via specially crafted HTTP requests. Adversaries have been observed using this exploit to deploy tools on the target machine.
CVE-2017-6742 Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software SNMP Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2017-6742 is a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) vulnerability in Cisco products related to a buffer overflow condition in the SNMP subsystem. Reported by the NCSC, threat actors exploited CVE-2017-6742 to perform reconnaissance, enumerate router interfaces and deploy custom malware known as "Jaguar Tooth", as detailed in the NCSC’s Jaguar Tooth malware analysis report. This malware obtains further device information which is then exfiltrated over trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) and enables unauthenticated access via a backdoor.
CVE-2023-2868 Barracuda Networks ESG Appliance Improper Input Validation Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2023-2868 in the Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG) had been reportedly exploited for espionage and exfiltration efforts by UNC4841 attributed by Mandiant. Following the exploitation of CVE-2023-2868, malware SALTWATER, SEASPY, and SEASIDE were identified to be used in intrusions.
CVE-2021-42237 Sitecore XP Remote Command Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2021-45046 Apache Log4j2 Deserialization of Untrusted Data Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE 2021-45046 is a Log4J-related vulnerability that could enable enables an attacker to cause Remote Code Execution or other effects in certain non-default configurations. This specific vulnerability has been reported to have been leveraged in cryptomining and ransomware operations.
CVE-2024-20399 Cisco NX-OS Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an attacker who has access to administrator credentials. The adversary leverages these credentials to execute arbitrary commands using root privileges.
CVE-2023-20109 Cisco IOS and IOS XE Group Encrypted Transport VPN Out-of-Bounds Write Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an authenticated, remote attacker who has administrative control of either a group member or a key server to execute arbitrary code on an affected device or cause the device to crash. This vulnerability has been identified as being exploited in the wild by Chinese adversary groups.
CVE-2024-20359 Cisco ASA and FTD Privilege Escalation Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an authenticated, local attacker in order to execute arbitrary code with root-level privileges by copying a crafted file to the disk0: file system. This is possible due to improper validation of a file when it is read from system flash memory. This vulnerability is associated with an attack campaign named ArcaneDoor in early 2024. This campaign targeted this vulnerability among others to implant malware, execute commands, and potentially exfiltrate data from compromised devices.
CVE-2021-22005 VMware vCenter Server File Upload Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an adversary who can access the vCenter Server over the network. The adversary uploads a crafted file to the server's analytics service via port 443, exploiting the file upload vulnerability. This results in remote code execution on the host. Threat actors have been observed leveraging this vulnerability, identified as CVE-2021-22005, using code released by security researcher Jang, to gain unauthorized access to vCenter servers.
CVE-2021-22900 Ivanti Pulse Connect Secure Unrestricted File Upload Vulnerability exploitation_technique T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through multiple unrestricted uploads. Adversaries with authenticated administrator privileges leverage this vulnerability to perform unauthorized file writes on the system via a maliciously crafted archive upload within the administrator web interface in Pulse Connect Secure.
CVE-2021-22894 Ivanti Pulse Connect Secure Collaboration Suite Buffer Overflow Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through a buffer overflow weakness. Remote authenticated attackers leverage this vulnerability to perform arbitrary code execution with root privileges on the Pulse Connect Secure gateway by manipulating input buffers.
CVE-2021-22893 Ivanti Pulse Connect Secure Use-After-Free Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through an authentication bypass weakness in the Windows File Share Browser and Pulse Secure Collaboration features of Pulse Connect Secure. Remote attackers leverage this vulnerability to perform remote arbitrary code execution on the Pulse Connect Secure gateway by bypassing authentication controls. The threat actor group UNC2630 has utilized this flaw to harvest login credentials, allowing them to move laterally within affected environments.
CVE-2024-21887 Ivanti Connect Secure and Policy Secure Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through a command injection weakness in the web components of Ivanti Connect Secure and Ivanti Policy Secure. Attackers leverage this vulnerability to achieve remote code execution by sending specially crafted requests to vulnerable instances, potentially without requiring authentication when combined with other vulnerabilities. This manipulation allows attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the appliance, potentially enabling further exploitation and system compromise.
CVE-2023-36851 Juniper Junos OS SRX Series Missing Authentication for Critical Function Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through a Missing Authentication for Critical Function weakness in Juniper Networks Junos OS on SRX Series devices. Attackers leverage this vulnerability to impact file system integrity by sending a crafted request to the `webauth_operation.php` endpoint, which does not require authentication. This manipulation allows attackers to cause limited impact to the file system integrity, potentially enabling further exploitation.
CVE-2023-36847 Juniper Junos OS EX Series Missing Authentication for Critical Function Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through a Missing Authentication for Critical Function weakness in Juniper Networks Junos OS on EX Series devices. Attackers leverage this vulnerability to impact file system integrity by sending a crafted request to the `installAppPackage.php` endpoint, which does not require authentication. This manipulation allows the upload of arbitrary files via J-Web, leading to a loss of integrity for a certain part of the file system and enabling attackers to chain this vulnerability with others, potentially leading to further exploitation.
CVE-2023-36846 Juniper Junos OS SRX Series Missing Authentication for Critical Function Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through a Missing Authentication for Critical Function weakness. Attackers leverage this vulnerability to impact file system integrity by sending a crafted request to the `user.php` endpoint, which does not require authentication. This manipulation allows the upload of arbitrary files, enabling attackers to chain this vulnerability with others, potentially leading to unauthenticated remote code execution.
CVE-2023-36845 Juniper Junos OS EX Series and SRX Series PHP External Variable Modification Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through a PHP External Variable Modification flaw in the J-Web interface of Juniper Networks Junos OS, affecting EX Series switches and SRX Series firewalls. Attackers leverage this vulnerability to gain initial access by crafting a request that sets the PHPRC variable, thereby altering the PHP execution environment. This manipulation enables the injection and execution of arbitrary code. By exploiting the auto_prepend_file and allow_url_include PHP features, attackers can include a base64 encoded PHP payload using the data:// wrapper. This method allows them to execute code within a confined FreeBSD jail environment, with the potential to escalate privileges by stealing authentication tokens from a user logged into the J-Web application, ultimately enabling unauthorized SSH access with elevated privileges.
CVE-2023-35081 Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile (EPMM) Path Traversal Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through a path traversal flaw in Ivanti EPMM. Attackers initiate this vulnerability by leveraging authenticated administrative access to remotely write arbitrary files onto the server. This enables them to deploy additional payloads, potentially granting further access and compromising the system.
CVE-2023-22515 Atlassian Confluence Data Center and Server Broken Access Control Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through improper input validation in Atlassian Confluence, allowing remote attackers to translate arbitrary HTTP parameters into getter/setter sequences via the XWorks2 middleware. This vulnerability enables the creation of unauthorized Confluence administrator accounts and the upload of malicious plugins, granting attackers the ability to modify Java objects at runtime and execute arbitrary code. A nation-state actor known as Storm-0062 has been attributed to exploiting this vulnerability in the wild.
CVE-2023-20273 Cisco IOS XE Web UI Command Injection Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited through improper privilege escalation in the Web User Interface feature of Cisco IOS XE software. Attackers first used this vulnerability to elevate privileges from a normal user to root by leveraging a newly created local user account. This allowed them to write malicious implants that enable them to execute arbitrary commands to the file system This CVE was exploited after the adversary exploited CVE-2023-20198.
CVE-2024-4577 PHP-CGI OS Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2024-4577 is a PHP argument injection vulnerability that allows an adversary to execute arbitrary php commands.
CVE-2024-4671 Google Chromium Visuals Use-After-Free Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2024-4671 is a use-after-free vulnerability where an adversary can perform a sandbox escape via a maliciously-crafted HTML page.
CVE-2024-4761 Google Chromium V8 Out-of-Bounds Memory Write Vulnerability exploitation_technique T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2024-4761 is an out of bounds write vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory write via a crafted HTML page.
CVE-2024-4879 ServiceNow Improper Input Validation Vulnerability exploitation_technique T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2024-4879 is a Template Injection Vulnerability in ServiceNow UI Macros. When ServiceNow instances are installed public-facing instead of internally, they can be exploited for arbitrary code execution. Adversaries have been observed selling data exfiltrated through this exploit.
CVE-2024-4947 Google Chromium V8 Type Confusion Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2024-4947 is a type confusion vulnerability in Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Adversaries have been observed exploiting this vulnerability by hosting a web-based game on a site that triggered the vulnerability and executed arbitrary code. Adversaries promoted the game on social media and through emails.
CVE-2024-5217 ServiceNow Incomplete List of Disallowed Inputs Vulnerability exploitation_technique T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2024-5217 is an input validation vulnerability that could enable an unauthenticated user to remotely execute code within the context of the Now Platform due to incomplete input validation in a GlideExpression Script.
CVE-2022-29303 SolarView Compact Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
CVE-2022-29303 is a command injection vulnerability within a PHP component in the product's web server. Reports indicate that the vulnerability have been exploited by operators of Mirai botnet malware.
CVE-2023-33246 Apache RocketMQ Command Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote attacker who leverages a command injection flaw in Apache RocketMQ versions 5.1 and lower. By using the update configuration function, the adversary can execute commands as the system user under which RocketMQ is running. This lack of permission verification in components like NameServer, Broker, and Controller, which are exposed on the extranet, allows for remote command execution. Additionally, attackers can forge RocketMQ protocol content to achieve the same effect. Since at least June 2023, threat actors have actively exploited this vulnerability to gain initial access and deploy the DreamBus botnet, a Linux-based malware.
CVE-2023-28252 Microsoft Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) Driver Privilege Escalation Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an adversary that has gained local access to the victim system. If successfully exploited, the adversary would gain full SYSTEM level privileges. This CVE has been leveraged in the wild by Storm-0506 involved deploying Black Basta ransomware, initiated through a Qakbot infection and exploiting a Windows vulnerability (CVE-2023-28252) to gain elevated privileges. The attackers used tools like Cobalt Strike and Pypykatz for credential theft and lateral movement, eventually creating an "ESX Admins" group to encrypt the ESXi file system and disrupt hosted VMs. Based on the described exploitation of CVE-2023-28252 and the associated attack activities, the following MITRE ATT&CK Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) could be linked to this CVE:
CVE-2022-21999 Microsoft Windows Print Spooler Privilege Escalation Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an adversary who already has access to the victim system. This vulnerability, also known as SpoolFool, is a local privilege escalation vulnerability in the Windows Print Spooler service, which manages print operations on Windows systems. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute code with SYSTEM-level privileges by exploiting the `SpoolDirectory` configuration setting. The `SpoolDirectory` is writable by all users and can be manipulated using the `SetPrinterDataEx()` function, provided the attacker has `PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER` permissions. The exploit involves creating a directory junction and using a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to write a malicious DLL to a privileged directory, such as `C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\x64\4`. This DLL is then loaded and executed by the Print Spooler service, granting the attacker elevated privileges. This method circumvents previous security checks designed to prevent privilege escalation through the Print Spooler. The vulnerability has been exploited in the wild, with attackers using tools like the SpoolFool proof of concept (PoC) published on GitHub. One observed attack involved creating a local administrator account with a default password, indicating the potential for significant system compromise. The Gelsemium APT group has been linked to activity exploiting this vulnerability, highlighting its use in advanced persistent threat campaigns.
CVE-2022-37969 Microsoft Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) Driver Privilege Escalation Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an attacker who has obtained access to the target system. The vulnerability lies in the Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) Driver, specifically due to improper bounds checking on the `cbSymbolZone` field in the Base Record Header for the base log file (BLF). This vulnerability has been exploited by threat actors to gain elevated privileges on Windows systems. Attackers leveraged this flaw to execute arbitrary system commands, allowing them to manipulate system processes and potentially deploy additional malware or perform further malicious activities. The exploit in question is actively being used in the wild, primarily in targeted attacks. It involves setting the `cbSymbolZone` field to an invalid offset, triggering an out-of-bound write that corrupts a pointer to the CClfsContainer object. Once the vulnerability is exploited, attackers can manipulate memory to perform arbitrary actions with SYSTEM-level privileges. This allows them to achieve their objectives, such as disabling security applications and gaining full control over the compromised system.
CVE-2022-41125 Microsoft Windows CNG Key Isolation Service Privilege Escalation Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an attacker who has obtained local access with low privileges on the target system. The vulnerability lies in the Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) Key Isolation Service, specifically due to a memory overflow issue. This vulnerability has been exploited by threat actors to gain elevated privileges on Windows systems. Attackers leveraged this flaw to execute arbitrary commands with SYSTEM privileges, allowing them to manipulate system processes and deploy additional malware to perform further malicious activities. The exploit in question is actively being used in the wild. It involves exploiting the memory overflow in the CNG Key Isolation Service to gain SYSTEM-level access. Once the vulnerability is exploited, attackers can manipulate system processes and access sensitive information stored in the service, such as cryptographic keys. This allows them to achieve their objectives, such as executing code with elevated privileges and compromising the security of the affected system.
CVE-2022-22047 Microsoft Windows Client Server Runtime Subsystem (CSRSS) Privilege Escalation Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an attacker who has obtained local access tothe target system. The vulnerability lies in the Client Server Run-Time Subsystem (CSRSS) on Windows, specifically in the activation context caching mechanism, due to improper handling of crafted assembly manifests. This vulnerability has been exploited by threat actors to gain elevated privileges on Windows systems. Attackers leveraged this flaw to execute arbitrary system-level commands, allowing them to manipulate system processes and deploy additional malware to perform further malicious activities. The exploit in question is actively being used in the wild, primarily in targeted attacks. It involves creating a malicious activation context by providing a crafted assembly manifest, which is cached and used the next time the process spawns. Once the vulnerability is exploited, attackers can load a malicious DLL to achieve system-level code execution. This allows them to achieve their objectives, such as executing arbitrary code with elevated privileges, with the same permissions as the compromised system's user.
CVE-2022-24521 Microsoft Windows CLFS Driver Privilege Escalation Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an attacker who has already obtained access to a target system to execute code. The vulnerability lies in the Common Log File System (CLFS) driver, specifically in the `CClfsBaseFilePersisted::LoadContainerQ()` function, due to a logic bug in handling container context objects. This vulnerability has been exploited by threat actors to gain elevated privileges on Windows systems. Attackers leveraged this flaw to execute arbitrary code with system-level privileges, allowing them to manipulate system processes and deploy additional malware to perform further malicious activities. The exploit in question is actively being used in the wild, primarily in ransomware campaigns. It involves corrupting the `pContainer` field of a container context object with a user-mode address by using malformed BLF files. Once the vulnerability is exploited, attackers can manipulate memory to execute code with elevated privileges. This allows them to achieve their objectives, such as stealing the System token and gaining full control over the compromised system.
CVE-2024-27198 JetBrains TeamCity Authentication Bypass Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This authentication bypass vulnerability is exploited by an unauthenticated, remote adversary via an alternative path issue in the web component allowing attackers to perform admin actions and achieve remote code execution. To exploit this vulnerability, attackers need to generate an unauthenticated 404 HTTP response, pass the HTTP query string “?jsp=/app/rest/server”, and append “;.jsp” to the HTTP path parameter.
CVE-2022-23131 Zabbix Frontend Authentication Bypass Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a malicious actor via improper validation via SAML to modify session data and escalate privileges to gain admin access to the Zabbix Frontend. This allows attackers to control the saml_data[username_attribute] value. This flaw enables unauthenticated users to bypass authentication and access the Zabbix dashboard as a highly-privileged user, such as the default "Admin" user. Additionally, incorrect handling of Zabbix installer files permits unauthenticated users to access and reconfigure servers.
CVE-2022-1040 Sophos Firewall Authentication Bypass Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This authentication bypass vulnerability is exploited by remote attackers via the User Portal and Webadmin components. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the victim machine. It was actively exploited by Chinese state-sponsored APT groups, including "Drifting Cloud," to target organizations and governments across South Asia, particularly in Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The attackers leveraged this vulnerability to deploy webshells, conduct man-in-the-middle attacks by modifying DNS responses, and intercept user credentials and session cookies from content management systems. This vulnerability was exploited by Chinese state-sponsored threat actors as part of a broader campaign named "Pacific Rim." This campaign involved multiple Chinese APT groups, including APT31, APT41, and Volt Typhoon, targeting Sophos firewalls. The backdoor PygmyGoat, a novel rootkit that takes the form of a shared object ("libsophos.so"), has been found to be delivered following the exploitation of this vulnerability. The use of the rootkit was observed between March and April 2022 on a government device and a technology partner, and again in May 2022 on a machine in a military hospital based in Asia. This vulnerability was also exploited by at least two advanced persistent threat (APT) groups in a highly targeted attack campaign. The attackers used the vulnerability to place malicious files into a fixed filesystem location on affected devices, leveraging a combination of authentication bypass and command injection to execute arbitrary commands as root. The attack involved deploying various malware families, including GoMet and Gh0st RAT, to maintain persistent access and exfiltrate sensitive data. The attackers demonstrated significant knowledge of the device firmware, using custom ELF binaries and runtime packers like VMProtect to complicate analysis. They manipulated internal commands to move and manipulate files, execute processes, and exfiltrate data. The campaign targeted network security devices, employing a two-stage attack to drop remote access tools and execute commands remotely.
CVE-2023-43770 Roundcube Webmail Persistent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an adversary via malicious links embedded in trustworthy websites to infiltrate victim systems. Successful exploitation grants the adversary the ability to execute arbitrary code on the impacted system. The Russia-aligned hacking group TAG-70 has been attributed to exploiting this vulnerability. TAG-70 has used this vulnerability in an espionage campaign targeting European government and military agencies, as well as Iranian embassies in Russia, aiming to gather intelligence on European political and military activities. The campaign, active from early to mid-October 2023, is part of a broader pattern of Russian state-aligned cyber-espionage targeting email services.
CVE-2022-39197 Fortra Cobalt Strike Teamserver Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote attacker to execute HTML on the Cobalt Strike team server. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would inspect a Cobalt Strike payload and modify the username field within the payload to be malformed. This manipulation enables the attacker to execute arbitrary code by setting a malformed username in the Beacon configuration. In a documented cybersecurity incident, a Chinese threat actor leveraged a modified version of Cobalt Strike, known as "Cobalt Strike Cat," which included a patch for CVE-2022-39197. This version was used to establish communication channels with victim systems, perform evasive post-exploitation activities, and maintain persistence.
CVE-2023-41179 Trend Micro Apex One and Worry-Free Business Security Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote attacker who has obtained administrative console access on the target system. Successful exploitation of the flaw could allow an attacker to manipulate the component to execute arbitrary commands on an affected installation. This vulnerability has been exploited in the wild.
CVE-2023-7101 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote attacker by passing unvalidated input from a file into a string-type "eval". Specifically, the issue stems from the evaluation of Number format strings (not to be confused with printf-style format strings) within the Excel parsing logic. After successful exploitation, the attacker gains the ability to perform remote code execution. This vulnerability has been targeted by Chinese hackers who exploited the vulnerability in Spreadsheet::ParseExcel to compromise appliances. In collaboration with cybersecurity firm Mandiant, Barracuda assesses that the threat actor behind the attacks is UNC4841, who leveraged the flaw to deploy ‘SeaSpy’ and ‘Saltwater’ malware.
CVE-2023-22952 Multiple SugarCRM Products Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability is exploited by an unauthenticated attacker via a crafted request can inject custom PHP code through the EmailTemplates because of missing input validation. This vulnerability has been exploited by threat actors to gain initial access to AWS accounts by injecting custom PHP code through the SugarCRM email templates module. Attackers leveraged misconfigurations to expand their access, obtaining long-term AWS access keys from compromised EC2 instances. They used tools like Pacu and Scout Suite to explore AWS services such as EC2, IAM, RDS, and S3, and gathered account information via AWS Organizations and Cost and Usage services. The attackers moved laterally by creating RDS snapshots and new EC2 instances, modifying security groups, and attempting to escalate privileges by logging in as the Root user. They also employed defense evasion techniques, including deploying resources in non-standard regions and intermittently stopping EC2 instances to avoid detection and minimize costs. The exploit in question is actively being used to compromise hosts by installing a PHP-based web shell. It involves an authentication bypass against the "/index.php" endpoint of the targeted service. Once bypassed, the attacker obtains a cookie and sends a secondary POST request to "/cache/images/sweet.phar" to upload a small PNG-encoded file containing PHP code. This file acts as a web shell, allowing the execution of commands specified in the base64-encoded query argument "c". For example, a request like 'POST /cache/images/sweet.phar?c="L2Jpbi9pZA=="' would execute the command "/bin/id" with the same permissions as the web service's user.
CVE-2022-35914 Teclib GLPI Remote Code Execution Vulnerability exploitation_technique T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote, unauthenticated attacker via /vendor/htmlawed/htmlawed/htmLawedTest.php in the htmlawed module for GLPI through 10.0.2, which allows PHP code injection. in the wild exploitation details have not been publicly released for this vulnerability
CVE-2022-22965 Spring Framework JDK 9+ Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability affects Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux applications running on JDK 9+ when deployed on Tomcat as a WAR file. This vulnerability can be exploited by a remote attacker via data binding, allowing malicious actors to execute arbitrary code. Specifically, it has been used to deploy and execute the Mirai botnet malware. The exploit involves downloading a Mirai sample to the "/tmp" directory and changing its permissions to make it executable using "chmod." The malware is then executed, enabling further malicious activities. The vulnerability does not affect applications deployed as Spring Boot executable jars. Observations of this exploit began in early April 2022, with malware variants available for different CPU architectures.
CVE-2022-42948 Fortra Cobalt Strike User Interface Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote, unauthenticated attacker. The vulnerability is caused by improper escaping of HTML tags in Swing components. This flaw allows the attacker to inject crafted HTML code, enabling them to execute code within the Cobalt Strike UI. Exploitation can occur through a graphical file explorer menu, allowing attackers to perform unauthorized operations on the administrative interface.
CVE-2021-35394 Realtek Jungle SDK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
The vulnerability in Realtek Jungle chipsets is exploited by remote, unauthenticated attackers using UDP packets to a server on port 9034, enabling remote execution of arbitrary commands. The attack involves injecting a shell command that downloads and executes a shell script on the compromised device. This script downloads binaries for various CPU architectures, such as ARM, MIPS, and SuperH, primarily from the Mirai malware family, turning the device into a botnet node. The attack script connects to a malicious IP to download and execute malware, with threats mainly from Mirai, Gafgyt, and Mozi families. It also includes a new DDoS botnet called RedGoBot, developed in Golang. The script uses wget and curl to download botnet clients for different processor architectures. RedGoBot can perform DDoS attacks on various protocols, including HTTP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, VSE, and OpenVPN, upon receiving commands from the threat operator. Additionally, injected commands can write binary payloads to files for execution or reboot the targeted server to cause denial of service.
CVE-2021-22204 ExifTool Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
The vulnerability is exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target system. The vulnerability exists due to improper input validation when parsing DjVu files in ExifTool. A remote attacker can pass a specially crafted file to the application and execute arbitrary code on the target system. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may result in complete compromise of vulnerable system.
CVE-2022-26500 Veeam Backup & Replication Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote, authenticated users access to internal API functions that allows attackers to upload and execute arbitrary code. This vulnerability has been exploited by threat actors associated with AvosLocker ransomware, as identified by Kroll analysts. These actors have developed new tactics targeting backup systems, specifically leveraging vulnerabilities in Veeam Backup and Replication software (CVE-2022-26500 and CVE-2022-26501) to potentially exfiltrate data while evading detection.
CVE-2022-26501 Veeam Backup & Replication Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote, unauthenticated attacker to access internal API functions and send malicious code to the Veeam Distribution Service via the default TCP port 9380. This vulnerability has been exploited by threat actors associated with the AvosLocker ransomware. Kroll analysts have observed these actors using this vulnerability, alongside CVE-2022-26500, to potentially exfiltrate data and download malicious tools while appearing as legitimate activity to evade detection.
CVE-2021-45382 D-Link Multiple Routers Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This remote command execution vulnerability is exploited by an unauthenticated, remote adversary via the DDNS function in ncc2 binary file. Adversaries have leveraged this vulnerability to spread a variant of Mirai botnet called Beastmode and IZ1H9 to cause a distributed denial of service attack. In the IZ1H9 attack, once the attackers took advantage of the vulnerability, they injected the IZ1H9 payload into the device. This program included instructions to download another script from a specific web address. When this script ran, it erased records to cover up the malicious actions and then downloaded additional software designed for different types of devices. The script also changed the device's settings to block certain network connections, making it more difficult to remove the malware. After these steps, the infected device connected to a control server, waiting for instructions on which type of denial-of-service attack to carry out, such as disrupting services using various internet protocols. In the Beastmode attack, exploiting the vulnerability led to the download and execution of a script called "ddns.sh." This script then fetched the Beastmode program, which was saved and run with specific settings. These settings allowed the infected device to join a subgroup within the larger botnet, helping the attackers manage and assess the effectiveness of their exploits. Once devices were compromised by Beastmode, the botnet could be used to launch various types of denial-of-service attacks, similar to those seen in other Mirai-based botnets.
CVE-2022-26258 D-Link DIR-820L Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This remote command execution vulnerability is exploited by an adversary via HTTP POST to get set ccp. The exploit targets a command injection vulnerability in the /lan.asp component. The component does not successfully sanitize the value of the HTTP parameter DeviceName, which in turn can lead to arbitrary command execution. Adversaries have leveraged this vulnerability to spread a variant of Mirai botnet called MooBot to cause a distributed denial of service attack.
CVE-2022-34713 Microsoft Windows Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability secondary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited when a user is tricked by an adversary to open a maliciously crafted file. Once the user opens the file, an adversary gains the ability to execute arbitrary code the next time the victim restarts their computer and logs in.
CVE-2021-42321 Microsoft Exchange Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an adversary who has gained authentication to the Exchange Server and exploited validation issues in command-let arguments. This gives the adversary access to perform remote code execution on the server.
CVE-2023-20867 VMware Tools Authentication Bypass Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by an adversary who has fully compromised ESXi host. The adversary can exploit the authentication bypass flaw, leading to a failure in authenticating host-to-guest operations. The threat group UNC3886 has exploited this vulnerability to deploy VirtualPita and VirtualPie backdoors on guest VMs by escalating privileges to root on compromised ESXi hosts. This allows for unauthenticated command execution and file transfer.
CVE-2023-20887 Vmware Aria Operations for Networks Command Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote, unauthenticated actor to gain remote code execution via a command injection attack. This vulnerability has been exploited in the wild; however, technical details have not been publicly shared.
CVE-2023-38035 Ivanti Sentry Authentication Bypass Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability was exploited by unauthenticated actors who accessed the System Manager Portal of Ivanti MobileIron Sentry via port 8433, leveraging an authentication bypass flaw to achieve remote code execution. This flaw allows attackers to access sensitive APIs, enabling them to change configurations, execute system commands, or write files onto the system. This vulnerability was part of a campaign involving cryptocurrency mining and internal network reconnaissance. The exploitation allowed attackers to deploy malicious tools and conduct unauthorized activities within the network, ultimately compromising system integrity and security.The exploitation facilitated unauthorized access to the Ivanti Sentry server, allowing the execution of OS commands as a system administrator using "sudo." Observations revealed that suspicious SSL connections over port 8433 led to HTTP GET requests, indicating the abuse of command-line utilities like wget and cURL.
CVE-2022-22947 VMware Spring Cloud Gateway Code Injection Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited by a remote attacker via a code injection attack to gain perform arbitrary remote code execution. CISA has linked this vulnerability to adversary campaigns performed by Andariel to perform cyber espionage via ransomware operations.
CVE-2021-31166 Microsoft HTTP Protocol Stack Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This memory corruption vulnerability is exploited by a remote, unauthenticated attacker via crafted HTTP packets to a server that uses http.sys to process packets. Adversaries may leverage this vulnerability to execute malicious code on the OS kernel. This vulnerability has a proof of concept validating that it can be wormable. However, exploitations in the wild linking to this type of impact have not been published. The North Korean state-backed hacker group known as the Lazarus Group has been attributed to leveraging this vulnerability in their attacks to gain initial access to Windows IIS servers. Once initial access is gained, they have exploited the vulnerable system to perform data theft, disrupt services, propagate malware, or conduct espionage or surveillance. **team review - AttackerKB links Command and Scripting to this vulnerability, but I have not found any threat reports linking this impact to an actual attack. The only "in the wild" report I found was by SecureBlink linking it to the Lazarus Group to gain initial access. Unsure what primary impact we can link to here.
CVE-2022-21971 Microsoft Windows Runtime Remote Code Execution Vulnerability primary_impact T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
This vulnerability is exploited when an authenticated user is convinced by an attacker to download and open a specially crafted file from a website, which grants the attacker access to the victim's computer. No articles have been released to the public showing that this vulnerability has been executed in the wild or provides any information on how an exploitation is carried out.

ATT&CK Subtechniques

Technique ID Technique Name Number of Mappings
T1059.007 JavaScript 13
T1059.001 PowerShell 4
T1059.004 Unix Shell 9
T1059.003 Windows Command Shell 5
T1059.005 Visual Basic 1