Adversaries may attempt to identify the primary user, currently logged in user, set of users that commonly uses a system, or whether a user is actively using the system. They may do this, for example, by retrieving account usernames or by using OS Credential Dumping. The information may be collected in a number of different ways using other Discovery techniques, because user and username details are prevalent throughout a system and include running process ownership, file/directory ownership, session information, and system logs. Adversaries may use the information from System Owner/User Discovery during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target and/or attempts specific actions.
Various utilities and commands may acquire this information, including <code>whoami</code>. In macOS and Linux, the currently logged in user can be identified with <code>w</code> and <code>who</code>. On macOS the <code>dscl . list /Users | grep -v '_'</code> command can also be used to enumerate user accounts. Environment variables, such as <code>%USERNAME%</code> and <code>$USER</code>, may also be used to access this information.
On network devices, Network Device CLI commands such as show users
and show ssh
can be used to display users currently logged into the device.(Citation: show_ssh_users_cmd_cisco)(Citation: US-CERT TA18-106A Network Infrastructure Devices 2018)
Capability ID | Capability Description | Mapping Type | ATT&CK ID | ATT&CK Name | Notes |
intel-tdt | Intel Threat Detection Technology | CrowdStrike AMS | T1033 | System Owner/User Discovery |
Intel Threat Detection Technology (TDT) and CrowdStrike Falcon Accelerated Memory Scanning (CAMS): Defending Against System, Owner, User, and Network Information Discovery Attacks
Intel Threat Detection Technology (TDT), combined with CrowdStrike Falcon Advanced Memory Scanning (CAMS), enhances cybersecurity defenses by enabling faster, real-time detection of System, Owner, User, and Network Information Discovery attacks. This integrated solution strengthens CrowdStrike Falcon, improving its ability to detect and mitigate cyber threats earlier in the kill chain, while minimizing system performance impact.
System, Owner, User, and Network Information Discovery attacks involve adversaries attempting to collect detailed information about the system they’ve infiltrated. Attackers gather data about the operating system, local users, network configurations, system owner, active connections, and network shares. This information is typically used to plan further exploitation, lateral movement, and privilege escalation within the target network. By querying system properties, user accounts, and network settings, attackers gain the intelligence necessary for executing advanced attacks. Intel TDT plays a crucial role by providing real-time telemetry on program execution, memory access, and control flow, enabling quick detection of abnormal activities like unauthorized information gathering from system and network resources.
Additionally, CAMS offloads the memory scanning workload from the CPU to the Intel Integrated GPU, ensuring faster and more efficient detection of suspicious activity without negatively impacting system performance. CAMS is capable of identifying the unauthorized collection of system, user, or network-related data, helping to detect when attackers are gathering intelligence for the purpose of launching further attacks.
Capability ID | Capability Description | Mapping Type | ATT&CK ID | ATT&CK Name | Notes |
CVE-2023-22518 | Atlassian Confluence Data Center and Server Improper Authorization Vulnerability | primary_impact | T1033 | System Owner/User Discovery |
CVE-2023-22518 is an improper authorization vulnerability. Adversaries have been seen using HTTP POST requests to upload maliciously-crafted zip files to Confluence WebServers to exploit this vulnerability. After exploitation, adversaries were observed doing local system information discovery, downloading malicious payloads,