T1218 Signed Binary Proxy Execution Mappings

Adversaries may bypass process and/or signature-based defenses by proxying execution of malicious content with signed binaries. Binaries signed with trusted digital certificates can execute on Windows systems protected by digital signature validation. Several Microsoft signed binaries that are default on Windows installations can be used to proxy execution of other files.


GCP Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
chronicle Chronicle technique_scores T1218 Signed Binary Proxy Execution
Chronicle is able to trigger an alert based on attempts to evade defenses, such as: bypass execution of digitally signed binaries. This technique was scored as minimal based on low or uncertain detection coverage factor. https://github.com/chronicle/detection-rules/blob/783e0e5947774785db1c55041b70176deeca6f46/soc_prime_rules/threat_hunting/process_creation/mavinject_process_injection.yaral

ATT&CK Subtechniques

Technique ID Technique Name Number of Mappings
T1218.003 CMSTP 1
T1218.005 Mshta 1
T1218.010 Regsvr32 1