T1057 Process Discovery Mappings

Adversaries may attempt to get information about running processes on a system. Information obtained could be used to gain an understanding of common software/applications running on systems within the network. Adversaries may use the information from Process Discovery during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target and/or attempts specific actions.

In Windows environments, adversaries could obtain details on running processes using the Tasklist utility via cmd or <code>Get-Process</code> via PowerShell. Information about processes can also be extracted from the output of Native API calls such as <code>CreateToolhelp32Snapshot</code>. In Mac and Linux, this is accomplished with the <code>ps</code> command. Adversaries may also opt to enumerate processes via /proc.


GCP Mappings

Capability ID Capability Description Mapping Type ATT&CK ID ATT&CK Name Notes
chronicle Chronicle technique_scores T1057 Process Discovery
Chronicle is able to trigger an alert based off command-line arguments that could indicate adversary's attempting to get information about running processes on Windows machines (e.g., "tasklist.exe", "Get-Process.*"). This technique was scored as minimal based on low or uncertain detection coverage factor. https://github.com/chronicle/detection-rules/blob/783e0e5947774785db1c55041b70176deeca6f46/soc_prime_rules/threat_hunting/windows/possible_process_enumeration__sysmon_windows_logs.yaral https://github.com/chronicle/detection-rules/blob/783e0e5947774785db1c55041b70176deeca6f46/soc_prime_rules/threat_hunting/sysmon/fake_zoom_installer_exe__devil_shadow_botnet.yaral