The Center for Threat-Informed Defense creates solutions that expand upon the MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base to better understand cyber adversaries and their tradecraft in order to advance threat-informed defense. The following Center projects are most closely related to the security capability mappings projects presented in Mappings Explorer.

Related to Mappings Explorer

Mappings Editor

The Center for Threat-Informed Defense creates the data you see on this site using a specialized tool developed called Mappings Editor. This tool is optimized for mapping security capabilities to MITRE ATT&CK. It includes powerful features for efficiency and accuracy. We released it as a public beta for anybody who wants to create their own mappings, whether to share mappings of publicly known security capabilities, or to privately document your organization's internal security controls.


The ATT&CK Sync project streamlines upgrades to new versions of MITRE ATT&CK® by providing tools and resources to migrate existing projects to current ATT&CK versions in a timely and efficient manner. The ATT&CK knowledge base is updated twice per year and with each new ATT&CK release, projects fall behind and become outdated. ATT&CK Sync provides tools and a methodology that organizations can implement to update to the latest version of ATT&CK, keeping their threat-informed defense timely and relevant to emerging threats.

Sensor Mappings to ATT&CK

The Sensor Mappings to ATT&CK project provides a collection of resources to assist security operations teams and security leaders with understanding which tools, capabilities, and events can help provide visibility into real-world adversary behaviors potentially occurring in their environments. SMAP builds on MITRE ATT&CK® Data Sources by connecting the conceptual data source representations of information that can be collected to concrete logs, sensors, and other security capabilities that provide that type of data.

ATT&CK Powered Suit

ATT&CK Powered Suit is a free browser extension that puts the MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base at your fingertips. This extension enables quick searches for tactics, techniques, and more without disrupting your workflow. Easily copy snippets into a notebook to streamline your research. Export selected techniques to ATT&CK navigator. The extension supports context menus, omnibar, and more.

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