Appendix B - Scoring Spreadsheet

As part of the M3TID project, the team implemented the Dimensions, Components, and Maturity Level framework, as well as the measurement approach, in an Excel-based tool to make leveraging the M3TID framework more accessible for the community. The tool has 6 main tabs, described below:

  • Introduction: Summarizes the intent and objectives of the M3TID project overall.

  • Usage Instructions: Explanation of how to use the tool.

  • CTI: Definitions of CTI Components and Levels, and CTI maturity scoring.

  • DM: Definitions of DM Components and Levels, and DM maturity scoring.

  • T&E: Definitions of T&E Components and Levels, and T&E maturity scoring.

  • Results: Tab that calculates the organization’s Dimension-level and Overall scores.

  • Example Historical Change: Example tab provided to show how to track change over time. This tab does not automatically pull data from any other tab.

The tool is available using the Download button below:

Download Scoring Spreadsheet – Excel