Organizations need to understand which techniques adversaries can use against Operational Technology (OT) systems. This includes:
Techniques that occur on enterprise systems used to manage OT.
Techniques on Industrial Control Systems (ICS).
Techniques on OT assets that run similar operating systems, protocols, and applications as enterprise IT assets.
Defending OT with ATT&CK provides a customized collection of MITRE ATT&CK® techniques tailored to the attack surface and threat model for OT environments. Historical attacks against OT and adversarial tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) as contained in ATT&CK for Enterprise, ATT&CK for ICS, and other relevant ATT&CK datasets such as Cloud and Containers were analyzed to identify and define a reference architecture and technology domains of interest specific to OT. Organizations can use this collection evaluate, plan, and employ security controls based on known, real-world adversary behaviors targeting OT environments.
MITRE ATT&CK® is a globally accessible knowledge base of cyber adversary tactics and techniques based on public reporting and observation. The ATT&CK knowledge base represents adversary goals as tactics and specific goal-oriented behaviors as techniques and sub-techniques. Defending OT with ATT&CK leverages the knowledgebase and its underlying data model to produce a collection of ATT&CK techniques tailored to OT environments.
Initially, ATT&CK was focused on the Windows enterprise environment. Later versions integrated macOS and Linux into what is commonly known as ATT&CK for Enterprise. With broader adoption and numerous contributions from the cybersecurity community, ATT&CK eventually added Mobile and ICS technology domains.
A typical OT environment spans multiple platforms (e.g., Linux and Microsoft Azure) and even spans technology domains (e.g., Enterprise and ICS). These complex environments require cyber defenders to track adversary behaviors that are defined across multiple matrices and platforms in the ATT&CK knowledgebase. Keeping track of techniques across different ATT&CK matrices can be difficult, and some techniques may not apply to a particular environment or architecture. To that end, this project defines a reference architecture and a corresponding attack surface, then creates mappings of relevant techniques from multiple matrices to provide a single, convenient collection of resources.
Prior research into communicating adversary behaviors facing OT networks was conducted by Mandiant Threat Intelligence and MITRE. The analyis includes techniques contained in ATT&CK for Enterprise and ATT&CK for ICS, represented in a hybrid view of the complexity of events across the OT Targeted Attack Lifecycle.

This illustration shows how Enterprise and ICS ATT&CK domains overlap.
Get Involved
This project provides the community with resources for understanding of the attack surface and threat model for various assets within a hybrid IT/OT architecture and environment. There are several ways that you can get involved with this project and help advance threat-informed defense:
Use the project resources. Visit the Reference Architecture and Threat Collection to learn how the project resources are constituted and how you can use them.
Apply the methodology. The Defending OT resources are usable as-is, but you can also learn how to create your own customized collections by following the Threat Model Methodology.
Use it with ATT&CK Workbench. Import the threat collection from this project into your Workbench so that you can integrate OT planning into your overall workflow.
Tell us what you think. Let us know how you’re using the project and what ideas you have to improve it. Please see the guidance for contributors if are you interested in contributing or reporting issues.