
The Defending IaaS collection drew from 510 total techniques and subtechniques across five ATT&CK domains. It does not include techniques from any sources other than ATT&CK. Of these, 373 [sub-]techniques are included in the collection and the remaining 137 are excluded.

A sankey diagram showing how techniques were canvassed from multiple ATT&CK matrices.

The Defending IaaS collection pulls together multiple ATT&CK matrices and then selects those techniques that are applicable to our architecture.


Due to the overlap in ATT&CK techniques across different domains, the final count of unique [sub-]techniques in the collection is 277.

The threat model that results from this process does not provide a risk determination, i.e. the likelihood of successful attack or the resulting impact. The methodology does not provide a scoring rubric to evaluate an organization’s current security controls and their effectiveness. The adversarial behavior modeled in the collection may be used to support these and other use cases.


The components of the reference architecture.

Click to enlarge.

This project adopts the definition of cloud computing as formalized in the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) SP 800-145:

Consumers have the capability to provision computing resources to deploy and run environments and applications. Cloud providers manage the underlying infrastructure while the consumers have control over the computing resources, including some control of selected networking components…

This separation of responsibilities is a focal point for the Defending IaaS collection. The collection includes ATT&CK techniques that pertain to the “Customer Managed” components seen in the architecture diagram to the right.

This architecture and division of responsibility are tailored to the Defending IaaS project and its chosen attack surface, but in general the methodology can be applied to any architecture or IaaS vendor.

Building the Collection

You can extend the Defending IaaS collection or build your own using ATT&CK Workbench. As part of this project, we updated Workbench to make the creation and sharing of collections easier than ever.

Screenshot of editing a collection in ATT&CK Workbench.

Editing a collection in ATT&CK Workbench is easier than ever. (Click to enlarge)

For more information on building collections in Workbench, refer to the Workbench documentation.

Visualize the Collection

Open "Defending IAAS" in ATT&CK Navigator

There are several ways to access the Defending IaaS collection. The easiest way is to load it as a base layer in ATT&CK Navigator by clicking the button above. This will intialize a new ATT&CK Navigator layer containing all of the techniques from the Defending IaaS collection.

Screenshot of newly created ATT&CK Navigator layer.

Visualizing the Defending IaaS collection as a Navigator layer. (Click to enlarge)

ATT&CK Navigator is a powerful tool for visualizing and annotating an ATT&CK matrix or collection. You can use it to visualize security control coverage, red/blue team planning, or risk assessments. Navigator supports color coding of techniques and assigning numeric scores. It offers a variety of ways to visualize and export content in support of the Defending IaaS use cases.

Download the Collection

Download Mappings – Excel Download Mappings – STIX

You can also download the collection as an Excel spreadsheet or a STIX bundle for use in other tools, or if you want to write custom software to process the collection.